Final cover           Front cover seals         Maya cover


Condor’s Eye, Kismet and Maya comprises a trilogy. The thread is of a couple living through multiple lifetimes together showing the karma we create and carry with us into subsequent incarnations. The stories may be simply read as historical sagas with love, sex, violence, compassion and many of life’s other challenges, taking place in various places and times with some mystical elements. However if the reader wishes to probe further, there are layers within layers which are described and explained in this web site.


        1. Synopsis
        2. Underlying stories’ purpose
        3. Basis of the stories’ structure
        4. Objectives
        5. Do’s & Don’ts

6. Condor’s Eye:


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46

7. Kismet:


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38

8. Maya:


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34

9. Some of the karmic links
10. Karmic parallels and opposites
11. Escaping destiny (Kismet)
12. Karma versus free will
13. Religion recapitulation
14. Reviews
15. Explanations of Akashic records, Cave of Creation and Lords of Karma
16. Cover pictures information
17. Book ordering links
18. References & suggested reading

<<Condor’s Eye references

<<Kismet references

<<Maya references

1. Synopsis

CONDOR’S EYE – Book I of the Maya Trilogy

Condor’s Eye becomes the medicine man and shaman of his tribe, the River Valley Clan. With his wife Laughing Wind they face many challenges and adventures. Unlike the traditional image of indigenous American Indians being savages, their lives are filled with love, compassion, consideration and a deep appreciation for the environment in which they live and on which they depend. In spite of their gentle and philosophical approach to life, circumstances can be harsh forcing them to demonstrate various strengths necessary for their survival. How they lived their lives then dictates what karmic experiences they would have in their next incarnation together.

The couple then incarnate about 550 years later as Anouar (pronounced Anwahr) and Marc in Egypt to experience many extreme situations that they karmically contracted before incarnating. This is to balance various events and experiences they had when they were Indians. This next lifetime then sets the stage for the couple who again return together, first as Fey and Adam in the Book II sequel Kismet.


April, a pagan priestess is burned at the stake in Carran, County Clare, Ireland. This terrible act orphans  her four year old daughter Fey. She is adopted by their close friends the Reddans, and their son Adam falls in love with Fey. Fey’s estranged cousin Sylvan comes to Carran to train Fey as a priestess to follow April’s ancient heritage. This path creates enormous contention with Adam being so fraught with danger. Will his concerns materialize?

Carran (Carron) todayCarran (Carron) today

Five hundred years later again in Ireland, the couple return in another life as Kevan and Áine (pronounced Ahn+ye). Áine is similarly orphaned and adopted by Kevan’s parents. They also fall in love but the contention this time is when Kevan joins a guerrilla group dedicated to evicting the oppressive English Protestant occupiers from his beloved country. Áine is concerned for Kevan’s safety during his dangerous excursions when engaging the enemy. Will they repeat their previous incarnation or change the outcome through free will rather than being slaves to their destiny, their Kismet?


Further historical and future lifetime experiences are the subject of Part 1 that includes incarnations in Tibet, Peru, Israel and Europe. These demonstrate further, how experiences and decisions then dictate why certain events occur in subsequent lifetimes according to the Laws of Karma.

The many questions about life asked in Condor’s Eye, Kismet and the first part of Maya finally require answering based on our current understanding, much of which is from channeled sources. In Part 2 of Maya the structure has changed to consider this information. It is presented by the protagonist Aaron Joseph in a series of discussions and debates with like-minded people.

One of the primary objectives of Maya is to engage the reader, to reflect on their lives and beliefs in case they are able to shift towards more positive aspects they can create for themselves with these new techniques about which humankind is now learning . In particular how your beliefs define your thoughts and these thoughts then create your reality.

Aaron Joseph shares his beliefs and philosophies with friends and therefore the reader. The healthy debates have both protagonists and antagonists so it is not a biased presentation.


These are all stories of the same couple’s lives that may be read on various levels:

  • At the most superficial level, they are historical sagas and romances with some mystical elements. Condor’s Eye commences around 500 BC in America and continues to Ancient Egypt around 60 to 30 BC. In the second book, Kismet, our couple move to ancient Ireland, living in the 1200s and 1700s. Each era has many examples of how people lived during those periods. In Maya, the time spread is much wider and incorporates ten different lifetimes  between 900 BC and 2193 AD.
  • The next level tries to penetrate life’s deeper meanings and questions whether there are mechanisms which can be revealed and even harnessed to direct one’s reality.
  • If one believes that everyone has a soul which survives death and can reincarnate, the next level explores the karmic links between lifetimes.
  • Ultimately is our fate or kismet preordained or do we have free will? If we have free will, how do we recognize and exercise it rather than be swept along by life’s currents being conveyed to destinations which we contracted to before incarnating again?

These questions are examined through our heroes and heroines (which is the same couple time and time again) with some answers and references should a reader wish to explore these aspects further.

The eclectic belief set on which the stories are based has evolved over half a century of seeking and is based on religious, philosophic, secret and channeled teachings. Therefore most of the information, reasons and explanations in and behind the stories have credible sources which have been listed for further reading if it has sufficiently piqued the reader’s curiosity. Of course this will be embraced or refuted according to your personal beliefs. Irrespective it should be of interest even if it is to review another perspective of life. If you have read or propose reading the books then the chances are that you too ponder life’s meaning and purpose. So the theories and reasons for events should be interesting and add clarification as to how the story evolved, possibley awakening insights into aspects of your own life.

The Emerald Isles

Ireland – The Emerald Isles


A fundamental premise is that there is a God in some form or another. We have the gift of a soul that is independent of our physical body and therefore survives death. We then return many times (reincarnate) with key attributes of each life experience determined by actions, thoughts and deeds from previous lives. This package of life experiences is defined by karma. Living out these events is then referred to as fate, destiny or kismet. But then your belief may be one where at most, good or bad luck may befall you with neither higher purpose nor direction being involved. Irrespective you are just as honored for your courage to incarnate and endure the trials and tribulations of existence. However, it is contended here that we all have predefined, unique paths and from a higher level, it is merely viewed as experience. Therefore it is not for us to judge anyone else’s life along their unique path. Merely to respect each other for the experiences we chose to have in the current incarnation or undergo because of past life actions. This is probably the only valid explanation as to why “bad things can happen to good people.”

If these statements are already too far from your sense of credibility, close this Window but do not waive the opportunity to read stories with depth and diversity. Just ignore the esoteric stuff as you would in a vampire film or story about magic and enjoy this one in a similar manner.


  1. To explain reasons why many apparently random events occur in our lives that appear to have no reason.
  2. In many instances to provide the sources of teachings and other relevant material that has been woven into the fabric of the individual lifetime stories. References are listed for further exploration.
  3. Explain or highlight connections between the lifetimes, be they repeat events to still ‘learn the lesson’ or opposite experiences as a balancing of energy (aka karma).
  4. We have to confront the future (this lifetime or some future ones) as an incentive to choose the loving, better and often more difficult path rather than the easy, tempting or less honorable options. Through our repeated good and bad experiences, we eventually gravitate towards good and away from evil. The Universe is all about love and karmic experiences ultimately lead us there.
  5. Another objective of this website is to add dimensions of understanding and depth to the trilogy. Hopefully this additional information will increase the enjoyment and meaning to the reading experience.

6. DO’s & DON’Ts

  1. Please do not read any chapter here ahead of reading them in the books. It will dilute the experience of surprise and coming across events for the first time.
  2. Depending on the individual, choose whether you wish to first read each book completely and only then revert back to this material for further depth and insights. Or read a chapter then refer to the information here for comments and explanations. The latter method of interacting chapter by chapter is the recommended option as details will be fresh.
  3. Readers are invited to submit questions, comments and observations directly to the author at

Enough background for now. Time to read the books! But if you have already started or completed either of the books (thank you), please continue reading.

<< top

                                                                     C O N D O R ‘S  E Y E

CHAPTER 1                                                         AMBUSH                                         42nd summer

American Indian incarnation.

One of the most serious events within Condor’s Eye’s life. The incident continues later in the book where it is explored more fully.


Two wolves battle within us, a good wolf and an evil one.
The one which wins is the one you feed.

Cherokee proverb

 We all have choices. Wild Mustang fed his evil wolf whereas Condor’s Eye fed his good wolf.

But will good triumph over evil?


CHAPTER 2                                              TEMPLE OF FEAR                                         43 BC

Egyptian incarnation.

Alternating each chapter between the two lifetimes, the scene moves forward in time to Egypt. There was a series of mystical temples along the Nile where acolytes spent years of training. In this particular Egyptian temple, students had to confront and manage fear with each test therefore extremely terrifying. This crocodile challenge is no exception. Similarly to Chapter 1 this incident continues later on in the book.


To face a real daemon, you must first look
inwards and conquer your own darkness.

Luis Marques

Our skeletons in the closet hold us back. Until these monsters are cleared we cannot be free from our internal demons.


CHAPTER 3                                      GENTLE WIND                            3 to 8 summers old

Back to America. Even as a young child Gentle Wind starts showing differences suggesting that he may be blessed with various unusual talents. This is recognized by Rattling Snake, the village medicine man. That Gentle Wind has some uncanny way of tracking is the first portent of possibly having  extraordinary gifts.


On a personal level, the question then becomes one of finding
the pattern of behavior that we see in others, within ourselves.

The Door to the Great Journey, Daniel C. Price Ph.D.

 As a youngster Gentle Wind was already unusually interested in people’s behavior, which included himself. Daniel Price’s quote affirms this as the necessary step in understanding who we are so we can better understand others.


CHAPTER 4                                      INSATIABLE CURIOSITY              62 to 52 BC (0 to 10 years)

Egypt: Anouar’s tragic loss of her mother would help mold her into a hardy survivor. This was one of her karmic contracts as is explained later in the book. The intellectual stimulation from Hathor her priestess carer, and her father Ptah represented additional honing of her keen mind. Was it inevitable that she would enroll in the training of the Twelve Mystical Temples? Was this part of her karma, her kismet?


Egypt is ruled by Greek kings.
Alexander the Great has taken Egypt from the Persians
and made it a part of the Greek Empire.
… The Ptolemaic dynasty of the Greeks would successfully rule Egypt
by mingling Hellenic traditions with the legacy of the Pharaohs.
The Greek king also had themselves deified as gods, having
temples built, and having statues made in their honor.

Real History World Wide Web site

An important historical background to the nature of Egypt at that time and why events unfolded the way they did.


CHAPTER 5                                                 PAST LIVES                                       14th summer

America: Seeing our previous lives is a complex subject of which little is known. However virtually every aspect of our experiences is stored and hints can be retrieved. We do know that it is stored in magnetic strands woven about the double helix chemical DNA strands and a duplicate is held in crystals within the Cave of the Ancients somewhere deep within the earth’s crust, too deep for us to go. The eclectic developed here is an attempt to present how we receive information from the other side of the veil.

The structure in which we live requires us to receive information linearly as we do not have the ability to process more than small quantities of information or experiences at once. Snippets from Seth, Kryon and especially Neale Donald Walsch’s “Home With God in a Life That Never Ends” have contributed to how this chapter has been constructed. Reassuringly, these disparate sources all state the same thing unlike most religions that contradict each other or offer different explanations about life, its origin, its deity and other significant variations. Condor’s Eye’s description of receiving data of entire lifetimes at once is an example of how complete concepts are presented from the other side of the veil where the rules of linearity do not exist. These linear experiences fed to us sequentially then creates the illusion of time. Information about the illusion of time have been explained by numerous sources but from our perspective, it is virtually impossible to emotionally fathom not living the sensation of this time mirage. The reader can therefore take anything they wish from this chapter ranging from nothing to a motivation to delve further. In essence these concepts are beyond our ken and we just have to accept our limitations in not being able to understand many things about life.


“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance,
or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space,
the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is
acted upon by the life giving Prana or
creative force, calling into existence,
in never-ending cycles all things
and phenomena.”

Nikola Tesla, Man’s Greatest Achievement, 1907 (1)(2)

In the same intellectual league as Albert Einstein, Tesla’s legacy to us has changed civilization for the better, especially in the field of electricity. Like Einstein, Tesla’s philosophies on life were profound but he does admit that much is “beyond conception.” However the level of knowledge during his lifetime (1856-1943) was far less than what we now know. Considering what was then known, Tesla’s theories were highly insightful.

Einstein re Tesla     Tesla


Over the last few days, I have been able to see my life
as from a great altitude, as a sort of landscape,
and with a deepening sense of the connection of all its parts.

Oliver Sacks, Professor of Neurology, NYU School of Medicine

Oliver Sack’s personal perspective of seeing all of one’s life simultaneously as a landscape when in a coma parallels the analogy given by Condor’s Eye to Rattling Snake.


CHAPTER 6        12 MYSTICAL TEMPLES OF ENLIGHTENMENT            47 BC. 15 years old

Egypt: For details on the Twelve Mystical Temples along the Nile River, recommended reading is The Sacred Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizidek. Any person passing through such comprehensive and rigorous training would be an extremely rounded individual, even today. There are comments and theories about the origin of concepts such as chakras which people assume to have originated in India. Some of these suggest instead that it went from Egypt to India. But how it may arrived in Egypt is probably even more bizarre.


… the Southern shaft of the King’s Chamber (in the Great Pyramid)
pointed towards the Belt of Orion, associated with the god Osiris, and
the equivalent shaft from the Queen’s Chamber pointed towards Sirius,
the star of the goddess Isis.

Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids. Robert Bauval & Adrian Gilbert.

 An example of the mystical past of Egypt, which Anouar embarked on learning about when enrolling in the Temple program.


CHAPTER 7                                          CONDOR’S EYES                           14th Summer

America: Responding to his gut feeling, Condor’s Eye awoke the dormant potential with which he incarnated, namely to meld with a condor and share what the great bird could see. Was it a coincidence that Rattling Snake also had Condor’s Eye’s name come to him years earlier? One needs to be alert so that when Spirit sends us information via intuition, dreams, symbolic events and any other manner, we do not miss them.

Sacred WaterfallAuthor’s original sketch of the Sacred Waterfall drawn around 1980 when it was revealed during a meditation. At that time his wife Janine was on a spiritual pilgrimage with 20 women in Peru, which undoubtedly catalyzed the release of this information.


Co-incidences are one way your spirit
lets you know Spirit is in your life.

The Door to the Great Journey, Daniel C. Price

 A beautiful quote that explains synchronicity quite simply.


CHAPTER 8                                           SEMANTICS                                 46 BC. 16 years old

Egypt: The perennial question whether one believes in a soul that reincarnates. Do we have a preordained destiny, freedom of choice or some of both? The chapter is a discussion about these possible attributes of our kismet and maktub. Are kismet and maktub really different or is it merely semantics? Our individual beliefs determine which option/s we consider to be the truth but it is our truth and not necessarily the absolute truth.


I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures,
or has a will of the kind that we experience in ourselves.
Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of
an individual that survives his physical death;
let feeble souls, from fear or absurd egoism,
cherish such thoughts.

The World as I see it, Albert Einstein 1931

One of Einstein’s many perspective of God and life. The author agrees that God is not one of reward and punishment, just of love. But disagrees that on death, there is nothing after that. If we have a soul which is the spark from God that powers us, it will survive the end of our physical bodies and is timeless.


“People die … he is (still) living, just not the way you think”
explained Angel Seth (Nicholas Cage).
“I don’t think I believe in that”
replied Cardio thoracic surgeon Maggie (Meg Ryan).
“Some things are true whether you believe in them or not”
answered Seth.

Film: City of Angels

An alternative quote where the post death description (that he is still living, just not the way you think) is closer to the beliefs which are becoming increasingly commonplace irrespective of ‘whether you believe them or not.’

Ryan_CageCity of Angels – Meg Ryan & angel Nicolas Cage


CHAPTER 9                                             DAWN DEW                                       14th Summer

America: Condor’s Eye’s first opportunity to test his capability to see through a condor’s eyes had arrived. Until this crisis his ability was more of a novelty than life saving tool.

Tracking Dawn Dew

This picturesque painting of a Red Indian tracking along a stream in the mountains by F. Grzesiezels beautifully depicts Condor’s Eye search for Dawn Dew
( )

May you have the strength of eagle’s wings,
The faith and courage to fly to new heights,
And the wisdom of the universe to carry you there.
Native American blessing

Condor’s Eye’s newly acquired skill would confront him with challenges requiring faith and courage necessitating him to utilize wisdom to fly to new heights in using this gift.


CHAPTER 10                                               MERKABA                                 45 BC. 17 years old

Egypt: Inevitably Anouar’s inquiring mind was enthralled by the Merkaba. The amazing possibilities of the Merkaba field are documented and not merely the product of  creative imagination. The Ancient Secret of the Sacred Flower of Life Vol II is an excellent reference on the attributes of the Merkaba field.


The field is generated by rotating merged, oppositely aligned tetrahedron shapes; that are two pyramids facing in opposite directions (a slice through reveals the Star of David triangles). One visualizes being inside three spinning Merkabas. Rotating clockwise is feminine electrical energy. Anticlockwise is male magnetic energy. And the third one is static having neutral energy. In progressing through the meditation, the field extends outwards from one’s body for about 50 feet (15 m), spinning at 90% the speed of light. Ultimately one needs to spin the fields beyond the speed of light to ascend from the 4th Dimension (3D + time) into the 5th Dimension.


While one is learning meditation a particular level of
consciousness will emerge. It is inevitable.
It has to do with the relationship between the inner and outer worlds.
One begins to realize all is light, and the miraculous phase begins.
The siddhis (psychic power) begin to manifest.

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Vol II.
Drunvalo Melchizidek

Appropriate that this quote on meditation is from the person who revealed the workings of the Merkaba in the same book. The advantages of meditation in general and the Merkaba meditation specifically are numerous but impossible to explain since we do not understand many aspects of the experience resulting from connecting to other dimensions where we source these benefits.


CHAPTER 11                                                 COURTING                                   15th Summer

America: Cornflower’s riding skills and general love for animals and nature continue into subsequent lifetimes. It explains why some people may have a flair or talent which may be the product of previous incarnation experiences. One’s life experiences are not lost from one lifetime to another even if not blatantly apparent.

Condor’s Eye’s spearing of too many fish precipitated some philosophical thoughts about wanton killing of life and being aware of one’s actions in the moment while retaining spontaneity in life. The surplus fish set up a series of events that encompassed his and Cornflower’s parents, the headman and his wife, and the village medicine man. It was as though the incident was orchestrated to set up a string of occurrences that would initiate some formal, new directions into Condor’s Eye’s life.


At sunrise and sunset like a gentle wind.
Floating mystically like her beautiful scent.

She comes soft as the gentle breeze
heralding the advent of spring.

Laden with pretty scented jasmine
comes my beloved into my arms.

Author’s words representing heady, youthful, uninhibited love expressed in tender prose.


CHAPTER 12                                        CLAUSTROPHOBIA               43 BC. 19 years old

Egypt: One either does or does not have claustrophobia. In the Third Temple the course weeded out those who suffered from this condition. Her sensitivity towards her fellow student Basset’s claustrophobia caused Anouar to abandon her meditation and try to placate and reassure her. Anouar’s trait to help others emerged every time someone was in need.


(In the Great Pyramid) I noticed that this
was the darkest place I had ever been….
I could feel the mountainous mass that was
on top of me. It was like being buried alive.

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life,

Volume 2. Drunvalo Melchizidek

An apt description of the sensation and resulting terror experienced by Basset.


CHAPTER 13                                COMPLICATIONS OF THE HEART            15th Summer

America: How often is something casually said by one person that has an enormous impact on another without the person who said it realizing this? A statement can have either a positive or a negative effect with ongoing consequences imposing upon us the need to be sensitive to any and everything we say. Condor’s Eye was too young to understand the ramifications of his encounter with Brown Beaver, which would only become apparent with time.

Condor’s Eye’s subsequent handling of his anxiety when Cornflower privately spoke to Brown Beaver would also return to him repeatedly with other incidents testing his ability to not retreat into his cave when under emotional pressure. He needed to maintain communications irrespective of how uncomfortable he felt. Only through dialogue can we resolve difficult situations and avoidance invariably escalates an issue, which may have been settled far easier if it had been addressed proactively. Dr. M. Scott Peck’s book The Road Less Traveled extensively explores this policy of not avoiding issues.


Be selective in your battles.
Sometimes peace is better
than being right.

Chief Dan George

Condor Eye’s hard line approach with Brown Beaver would have a ripple effect through time that would revisit him both in this lifetime and subsequent ones. A similar comment by Chief Dan George is not to worry about losing a battle, just ensure you win the war. And the ultimate objective of war should be to bring peace.


CHAPTER 14                                        CONFRONTING FEAR                                15th Summer

 Egypt: Transcending negative feelings irrespective what they are or what they stem from is almost an exercise in futility. As much as Anouar and undoubtedly her fellow students learned techniques to overcome fear, when confronted emotionally with a real life scenario, these academic exercises often fail. The test in the crocodile tank was to determine in a frightening situation which students had the resources and ability to overcome their fear. It was not merely dependent on a mental state but to attain a level of physical prowess (in diving) as well.


What is needed, rather than running away or controlling
or suppressing or any other resistance, is understanding fear.
That means, watch it, learn about it, come directly into contact with it.
We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Krishnamurti’s words on how to conquer fear.


CHAPTER 15                                                   INITIATION                          15th Summer

America: Not following the traditional route up and down the mountain was characteristic of Condor’s Eye’s uniqueness. If you want to be like everyone else, do the same things everyone else does. If not, it requires a fresh view rather than merely accepting norms as being optimal. The concept of Zero Base Budgeting whereby one ignores what was previously done and commence afresh each year instead is an excellent example of this principle in practice.

Condor’s Eye’s actions in confronting the bear were atypical. The majority of people would either have run or been paralyzed with fear. Around sixty years ago Popular Mechanics magazine ran an article about anticipating crisis situations and planning ahead how one would react. Various case studies were cited illustrating how people survived by reacting almost without thinking having pre-programmed themselves to respond appropriately if dire situations arose. By adapting this anticipatory approach to life, it helps one shift into survival mode rather than quail and panic. People confronting dangerous situations such as soldiers, police and firemen function in this manner and it is useful to inculcate oneself with this pattern of thinking to ensure a more appropriate response to emergencies.


Looking behind I am filled with gratitude.
Looking forward I am filled with vision.
Looking upwards I am filled with strength.
Looking within I discover peace.

Q’ero Indians

Akin to the message, being aware gave Condor’s Eye his gratitude, vision, strength and ultimately an inner peace.


CHAPTER 16                                        SEX AND LOVE                             41 BC. 21 years old

Egypt: One of this chapter’s objectives is to highlight the difference between purely physical experiences versus the incredible enhancement if emotion in the form of love complements a carnal act. Acknowledging that people have sex solely for recreation and pleasure, its strong drive will ensure that its pursuit in pure bodily form will continue unabated. More correctly the term making love should therefore be reserved for sex that has an emotional dimension accompanying it. Sadly for many the enhancement through love will remained an idealized, unattainable fantasy.


Eros will have naked bodies;
Friendship naked personalities.

The Four Loves by CS Lewis.

Eros is used in the context of intimate love which requires ‘naked bodies’ to complete its expression. On the other hand true friendship requires naked personalities, exposing oneself in truth and honesty rather than being naked physically.


CHAPTER 17                                        GRADUATION                                         15th Summer

America: Condor’s Eye’s humbleness is evident by the terse manner in which he reported on his adventure on Eagle Mountain followed by the bear attack below. Fortunately his ego needs were modest as he was content within himself without requiring external endorsement. With a needier ego, another narrator would embellish his intelligence and courage to impress his audience. Realizing how the listeners were disappointed by the brevity of Condor’s Eye’s rendition, Cornflower stepped in to satisfy the audience’s needs.

What is in a name? Is it merely a sound used to identify an individual? Is it supposed to inspire its owner? As one delves deeper, for many it embodies energy with a vibration that reflects what you are and can be. Gentle Wind became Condor’s Eye. Cornflower became Laughing Wind. Both new names suggest that the individuals are able to give more of themselves, both in their personal expectations of what they could be plus what others would expect from them. While few people do change their names, it is a major change that must have substantial impact on their lives.


Be strong when you are weak.
Be brave when you are scared.
Be humble when you are victorious.

Native American quote.

This quote reflects succinctly the ordeal which confronted Condor’s Eye with the bear and being humble afterwards at the celebration.


CHAPTER 18                                            ROYAL VISIT                                41 BC. 21 years old

Egypt: It was inevitable that the Queen would pluck Anouar from wherever she was considering she spoke Greek, was intelligent, engaging and not intimidated but respectful. By simply being who she was, Anouar sabotaged her Mystical Temple career and if less naïve, may have offered Cleopatra as little as possible so she would be dropped soon after their encounter having become bored with Anouar.


The Nile with its annual flooding, made civilization possible in Egypt.

E.C. Krupp. In Search of Ancient Astronomers

Who is “civilized” and who is not is a topic subject to endless debate. In the West the criteria are usually biased towards literature, technology, arts, per capita wealth and other such attributes. Therefore indigenous people who have an incredible communion with nature are not held in high esteem. However many people today are beginning to realize those values may represent a more worthy quality than the fruitless pursuit of hedonistic materialism so prevalent in the West. This quote assigns Egypt the status of civilized which it was by one set of standards and the Queen was revered as a goddess that ensured there would be annual inundation of the Nile, necessary for their agriculture and therefore survival. But can one honestly say that Condor’s Eye and his Tribe were primitive considering their respect and interaction with Nature, their veneration for each other and recognition of a higher force (Great Spirit) that is the Creator of the Universe? The reader’s personal beliefs will answer the question of ‘Who is civilized?’


CHAPTER 19                                                     DROUGHT                         22nd Summer

 America: In his lifelong quest to help his village and people in general, once again Condor’s Eye seeks a solution to assist the starving Tribe. This is still undertaken with sensitivity to not decimate the herd of deer as suggested by Dark Coyote who was disinterested in considering alternatives and the consequences of killing off all the deer. How often do we examine a situation superficially and not contemplate any possible aftermath?

While Condor’s Eye requested contributions to his plan by everyone, he still remained the group’s leader. By encouraging everyone’s participation, he ensured their commitment. He also remained open to subsequent suggestions to refine their strategy rather than be dogmatic and inflexible. These traits are typical of a successful leader and is why this mission and others led by Condor’s Eye were successful.


“What is man without the beasts?
If all the beasts were gone,
Man would die from a great
loneliness of the spirit.
For whatever happens to the
beasts soon happens to man.”

Chief Seattle

Condor’s Eye understood only too well the necessity of maintaining a relationship with the beasts. Not only would there be a loneliness of spirit living in a sterile environment with no life, but as Chief Seattle said ‘whatever happens to beasts soon happens to man’. Condor’s Eye knew that if all the deer were killed, they too may all die of starvation.


CHAPTER 20                            THE SEVENTH HANDMAIDEN                  41 BC. 21 years old

 Egypt: Anouar’s incarceration in the palace was not unlike many people who may feel trapped at work, in a relationship, financially, etc. Managing these situations can range from being accepting about it to untenable. This will depend on one’s skills, philosophy, prior experiences to draw on, support, how long one feels that one will be locked in for, and other perceptions about one’s predicament. Anouar tried to be philosophic, understanding the attrition and misery the wrong frame of mind would engender and planned to take advantage of any opportunity that arose that may help her escape being a handmaiden. Her poem gave vent to her feelings and by imagining freedom, she had commenced a visualization technique that could create freedom if the methodology was correctly harnessed.


Unfulfilled  desires  causes  unhappiness.
The desire to be without desire is still a desire.



Freedom from desire leads to inward peace

Lao Tsu

If Anouar permitted herself to be slave to her desire of freedom, only unhappiness would follow as taught by Buddha and Lao Tsu.

Lao Tsu                                                         Transcribed by author  circa 1975


CHAPTER 21                                                   CHILDREN                          30th Summer

Forever caring for his people, Condor’s Eye wanted to ingrain a sense of love for nature in young children to carry within their hearts throughout their lives. This investment in the future would benefit the individuals and the Tribe. He understood that harmony with the environment was necessary for their survival. Creating awareness in young children when they were impressionable is the best time to educate them being quite vulnerable to suggestion. Condor’s Eye’s interactive way with the children ensured communication remained open and his audience continued to be interested with his style of teaching.


Show me how you offer to your people
and the world the stories and the songs you
want our children’s children to remember,
And I will show you how I struggle,
not to change the world but to love it

Ch 10 The Song, The Dance,
Oriah Mountain Dreamer

The content of Condor’s Eye’s lesson clearly indicated that he wanted the children to accept and love the world, and pass this message down to subsequent generations.


CHAPTER 22                                                 FIRST NIGHT                                          38 BC. 24 years old

Finally Anouar has an opportunity to try and exploit. Since Marc Antony was the second most powerful person in Egypt after the Queen, he should have the influence to extricate her from the Queen’s employ. Therefore Anouar needed to utilize her limited resources to sway Antony into wanting her so desperately that he could use his position to have the Queen release her to him.


Awareness rises like tides of the seas. You are the current within,
within the living melodies, the attention beneath these endlessly
undulating tapestries whose mysteries ripple outward now rise upward
now, on waves, symphonic waves, the currents of your eternal whole.

Starseed. The Third Millenium.

Living in a Post Historic World.

Ken Cary

Anouar played on Antony’s feelings, both physical and emotional. This quote written as we were approaching the Third Millennium refers to these tides of feelings, passions and sentiments.


CHAPTER 23                                                  COUNSELING                           30th Summer

In their relentless quest, the couple seeks to assist people who are struggling with life. As their first couple involves Brown Bear, this is a serious challenge for Condor’s Eye because of their history. Known as boomerang karma, it is an example of an event which returns fairly quickly in the same lifetime offering an opportunity to have a different outcome.

Condor’s Eye offers suggestions to Laughing Wind using his ability to think laterally, which is part of his uniqueness. The hierarchy he explains to Laughing Wind of attitude – expectation – truth – belief is documented (see Seth – The Nature of Human Reality) and works every time. This is provided one is able to determine what one’s beliefs are, which are often quite hidden. For this reason Condor’s Eye focuses on changing Brown Beaver’s belief in himself and Prairie Song’s belief in her husband. With that shift, the new desired situation will begin to follow. This then reinforces that belief which will continue to develop positively. Managing set-backs and reviewing one’s thoughts are paramount to maintain forward momentum rather than become stuck and even go backwards.

Within Condor’s Eye and Laughing Wind’s discussion is a structured process to identify the gap between what is and what one wants, then how to proceed with a strategy that will achieve the desired objectives. A systematic approach to the problem is more likely to yield successful results than some haphazard method typical of crisis management.

Brown Beaver had to admit to himself and Condor’s Eye that he had created the situation which Condor’s Eye wanted to help him with. Until one accepts responsibility there can be no progress and Condor’s Eye had to challenge Brown Beaver until he acknowledged his own contribution to their family problem.


Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Chinese proverb, circa 4thC BC

This epigram accurately depicts what Condor’s Eye had done for Brown Beaver by teaching him to fish (hunt).

Bad hunter


CHAPTER 24                                                   TAVERNS                                            37 BC. 25 years old

Anouar’s varied experiences and understanding of human behavior helped her reverse the potential rape which the drunken Roman soldiers planned for her. She then secured the Centurion Manius’ allegiance by complementing his actions to his Supreme Commander Marcus Anthonius rather than have him punished. Like Condor’s Eye, Anouar tried to anticipate situations, especially dangerous ones so that her response would be both automatic and optimal. Anouar’s subsequent enrollment of the tavern owners in the case of a situation getting out of hand is another example of her planning ahead.


Narrow, twisting alleys led back from the docks into a crowded
rabbit warren of taverns, mud-brick huts and workshops.

The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, Elizabeth Payne

A description of the area in which Anouar worked gleaning intelligence for Cleopatra and Marc.


CHAPTER 25                                           KIDNAPPING                                      32nd Summer

Condor’s Eye tried to anticipate both the conduct of his men and that of the kidnappers. Brazenly exposing himself to danger was a calculated risk based on his understanding of human behavior. In spite of taking the risk he anticipated that he could still be attacked, he planned accordingly so he was able to avoid the arrow shot at him when his back was turned. Condor’s Eye’s humanitarian standards even in battle prevailed when Brown Beaver upheld them so the enemy would not be tortured as was common practice at that time.


Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect.
Remain close to the Great Spirit.
Show great respect for your fellow beings.
Work together for the benefit of all Mankind.
Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
Do what you know to be right.
Look after the well-being of mind and body.
Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
Be truthful and honest at all times.
Take full responsibility for your actions.

Sacred Instructions Given by the Creator to Native Indians at The Time of Creation

Particular reference here is to the treating of your fellow beings with respect (even if they do not deserve it).


CHAPTER 26                                         CAMEL’S MILK                                 35 BC. 27 years old

Not waiving from her belief in the ultimate equality of all souls, Anouar stood up to the Queen for Salihah. Where does Anouar’s belief come from? Perhaps the chapter’s quote offers some insight:


… as long as the myth continues to be told true, it will continue to transmit
any higher message that may be concealed within its structure …”

Keepers of Genesis. Richard Bauval & Graham Handcock.

An extract from a book about ancient Egypt mysticism. How many myths (about Egypt) have their origin in something ‘higher’, concealing some message we are unaware of? Was Anouar’s humanitarianism concealed within the structure of her DNA which had a record of her karmic contracts and previous life experiences?


CHAPTER 27                                           THE WIGWAM                              33rd Summer

Brown Beaver did not understand Condor’s Eye’s philanthropic and altruistic manner in which he and Laughing Wind conducted their lives. In thanking Condor’s Eye and Laughing Wind for their assistance he questioned their motives. The benefits he received would ensure that he and his wife would follow the noble principles of the medicine man and his wife bringing additional harmony to the village which its leaders ceaselessly worked on creating within the Tribe.

Brown Beaver told Condor’s Eye that he believed his thoughts and attitude incurred punishment from Great Spirit so that he therefore deserved whatever had befallen him. This was adamantly refuted by Condor’s Eye who explained that Great Spirit only loves his creation and is not subject to the petty foibles which man is with emotions such as anger and revenge. There is so much information available on this concept, one being from Neale Donald Walsch of “Conversations With God” fame entitled “God’s Message to the World: You’ve got me all wrong”. This is another blatant message to readers who may have the more common and traditional feelings about a God of Wrath who judges man and rewards or punishes him or her accordingly. Such concepts were appropriate in exercising control over their superstitious followers in previous eras but have become less effective as peoples’ understanding of processes such as creating one’s own reality permeate through the population. Such freedom then enables a more loving relationship to develop with one’s Creator that then impacts positively on a person’s interactions with their fellow man, woman and child.

By helping Brown Beaver with a wigwam before he had enough materials to make it plus to barter for other necessary materials, everyone would be involved in another exercise of ‘pay it forward’. Yet an opportunity to bring the people together in a constructive way that would continue to have a positive ripple effect into the future.

Of course that Brown Beaver’s hatred for Condor’s Eye that had turned to love was an enormous step forward in his personal growth and a rewarding feeling for Condor’s Eye showing how worthwhile his efforts had been.

One tepee pole can be broken,
But when united with many poles,
A tepee will withstand strong storms.

Oceti Sakowin (Sioux) proverb

 A self-evident quote on the benefit of working together as the Tribe did to help build the wigwam.


The weak can never forgive.
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.


Brown Beaver had grown strong with skills, acknowledgement of his newly developed prowess by the River Valley Clan members and now the wigwam that placed him on parity with his peers. He was therefore ‘strong’ enough to admit the shortcomings of his past and forgive both himself and Condor’s Eye.


CHAPTER 28                                                  SLAVE GALLEY                                         35 BC. 27 years olds

 Once again Anouar stood by her values, this time giving Marc Antony an ultimatum. Frantic for her friends and work compatriot, she was prepared to compromise her position with Marc.s


The Romans had stolen the idea (of crucifixion) from
the ancient Persians and Alexander the Great introduced
the idea to the Greek Empire but these forms of death
were given only to pirates and the worst of criminals.

Jack Wellman. What Christians Want to Know

The pirates were to be crucified in public and as the quote states, this was general reserved for the likes of pirates and the worst criminals.


CHAPTER 29                                SEVERE DROUGHT                                    39th Summer


The purpose of the plant kingdom
is to feed animals and humans,
to hold the soil together,
to enhance beauty,
to balance the atmosphere.

Mutant Message from Down Under *

Marlo Morgan

Try telling a vegetarian that at higher levels animals contracted with man to provide food for them. Try telling a vegetarian that a cucumber or carrot being pulled from the ground is consciously aware of what is happening and can be just as afraid as an animal about to be slaughtered. Try telling anyone that we should ask a tree to withdraw its life force before anything is plucked from it or even a branch broken or sawn off. Try telling anyone that consciousness pervades all of existence but only at a level relevant to whatever it is. A tree knows it is a tree but not much more as it does not need to. Now please go and hug a tree. Afterwards you may delve into Seth and Kryon where this information stems from.

*Aborigines refer to white people as mutants and down under (i.e the southern hemisphere) to represent Australia.


CHAPTER 30                                             THE HEART                                 35 BC. 27 years old

Although Anouar had explained to Salihah why she had defended her to Cleopatra when they were in the camel’s milk bath together, by then placing Salihah’s life before her relationship with Marc Antony, Anouar had taken her support of Salihah to a new level. Anouar gave more insight and details into her beliefs in the ultimate equally of everyone although it still emanated from the same value set. Anouar’s reactions were emotional and not rational with her seeking help with no consideration for herself and the ramifications of her demand. Only that her three friends plus those enslaved on the galley with them needed to be freed.

Understandably the subsequent handling of the pirates was most unpalatable to Anouar in spite of her recognizing its necessity. As leaders, Cleopatra and Antony were able to give harsh instructions, bearing the responsibility of leadership. Anouar’s poem was therefore an attempt to bridge the gulf between her and Antony so he could better understand her traits of compassion and humanitarianism. Not surprisingly, Cleopatra found the poem weak, probably compounded by her growing irascibility at how the relationship between Anouar and Antony was going from strength to strength.


The kundalini is a dormant serpent that is wound
around the central channel at the base of the spine.

The way to moving the kundalini upwards is equilibrium between
the female and male energies, the cool moon and the hot sun.

Africa in my Bones. David M. Cumes M.D.


Learn to lift the energy up each other’s spines and
move it through your bodies, holding off orgasm.

Barbara Marciniak Ch 8, The Gift of the Gods,

Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library.

Kundalini power occasionally manifests for various reasons, all of them being difficult to ignite. But if one can, the effects are most awesome. It is considered primal energy located at the base of the spine and yogis use a variety of techniques to awaken the kundalini force so that it coils up the spine to the dome chakra at the top of the head. The application here is to use the enhancement of love during sex to release the kundalini force during orgasm to heighten the overall experience. David Cumes’ quote describes the kundalini force and Barbara Marciniak’s quote refers to directing its force during orgasm.

To become even more lost with these difficult concepts, try this one: Ultimately we need to integrate our male and female kundalini energy. Left and Right Eye of Horus are the female and male children of the Goddess Mother Isis. Humanity is the resulting Divine Child. We need to become comfortable with our male and female energies to attain ascension where we become our true, androgynous selves (Teaching by our Arcturian selves channeled through Dr. Suzanne Lie – ).


CHAPTER 31                                                         WAR                                42nd Summer

Unable to confront Wild Mustang’s overwhelming horde, the Tribe needed to be creative in its planning to survive. Its unorthodox approach to engaging the enemy prevailed although at great risk. In life we need to take (calculated) risks, to stretch ourselves and grow. Fear immobilizes us and our imagination invariably perceives the challenge or situation to be far worse that it could be if confronted proactively. If it is a life threatening survival crisis, people are forced to face the problem immediately. But if not, all too often the line of least resistance is taken and the issues are neglected. These will fester until finally erupting in a far worse situation than if tackled when the matter first arose.

OH MIDNIGHT JAGUAR                         .

Wash me with your courage, and steel me with your grace,
So I may know the value of the void of time and space.

Teach me all your lessons, to face the dark unknown.
Then to let me bravely leap into the shadows all alone.

Medicine Cards. Jamie Sams & David Carson

Condor’s Eye exposed himself in the open by jumping onto a bare ledge so he could have a better view of Wild Mustang. Steeled with the courage of a jaguar totem he ‘bravely leap(t) into the shadow all alone’ to kill Wild Mustang.


CHAPTER 32                                                 INSECURITY                             33 BC. 29 years old

Marc Antony’s love for Anouar was no less than hers for him. He therefore also suffered similar insecurities regarding the tenure of their relationship despite his position. Neither were aware that this predicament was the product of their previous lifetime experiences as American Indians.


Santiago said “I love you because ….”
“Don’t say anything ,” Fatima interrupted.
“One is loved because one is loved.
No reason is needed for loving.”

The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

One can list attributes a person has as reasons for being loved. But as Fatima says in this beautiful quote, “No reason is needed for loving.” At another level however, there is a reason for their profound love, which is the accumulation of other lifetimes together as a loving couple. How often do we know why we may be attracted to a particular person? Are there hidden reasons programmed into our DNA? Yes!

Roald Dahl


CHAPTER 33                                              REFUGEES                                             43rd Summer

Was the humanitarian help offered by Soaring Eagle and his village prevalent in those times or something that only evolved in more recent times? The Old Testament is over 3,500 years old and is full of laws about how man must treat his fellow man (and woman). People have always been compassionate as love is an intrinsic component of our soul reflecting the love of God. It is therefore not merely reasonable to assume these people were benevolent but to believe that it was quite universal. The modern Cowboy & Indians or Pioneers & Indians stories and films only focus on their conflicts, which were inevitable when the settlers moved onto Indian land. Yet many of the modern quotes in Condor’s Eye show Indian compassion, pride, resourcefulness and other wonderful attributes. Therefore the author is confident that the caring scenarios presented in the book are not merely feasible but were an intrinsic part of indigenous cultures.

People need each other to survive, especially in harsh times. But needs were not merely for tools, hunting weapons and seeds taken to clans in the region. Survivors had suffered terrible tragedies affecting whole communities and the loss of men during war deprived villages of the labor component traditionally undertaken by males. The expedition undertaken by Laughing Wind was an inevitability of her philanthropic nature, acknowledging too that the faster the region recovered, the sooner it would be strong enough to withstand any future threats.

However the tensions between Laughing Wind and Condor’s Eye during the preparation phase is a reflection of the human vulnerability and weakness we all have to master. Condor’s Eye’s difficulty in managing a process of maintaining communications during stress would re-visit him in future lifetimes until he finally learnt to be able to handle such challenges.


Angry people want you to see how powerful they are.
Loving people want you to see how powerful you are.

Chief Red Eagle

Chief Red Eagle’s quote is self-explanatory. The project to assist refugees and survivors was to give people back their power from a position of love, by helping them rebuild their homes, lives and pride.


CHAPTER 34                                                SAQQARA                                32 BC. 30 years old

Anouar’s ongoing attempt to negotiate with Adbeel from a position of strength is an indication of her fortitude and spirit. She used her understanding of human behavior on which her offers and discussions were based. Considering that she was able to stretch out the days of the villagers’ deadlock indicates her partial success with Bedouins who were usually quick and ruthless decision makers. Ultimately it was her sharp wits that enabled them to survive day after day with the target of a week’s delay before Antony said he would respond.


The most important body of sacred literature in Egypt is not the Book of the Dead,
but much older literature which we now call the Pyramid texts.
These texts preserved in the 5th and 6th Dynasty (2750 – 2475 BC) pyramids at
Saqqara form the the oldest body of literature surviving from the ancient world.

Ancient Records of Egypt. J.H. Breatsed

The quote gives some general background to the Egyptian environment of the story with special reference to Saqqarah where the tombs of many Pharaohs were built.


CHAPTER 35                                              PROPHESIES                               45th Summer

The description of the channeling is typical of how a medium works. Concepts can be presented in a single block from the other side of the veil and not in the serial manner in which we are accustomed and able to receive information. It is then reduced into linear form by the medium who may or may not be consciously aware of the process taking place.

Much of the content of Laughing Wind’s channeling was sourced from a book entitled The Hopi Prophesies as well as other sources published by Red Indians. It is therefore has its roots in material of substance.

Prophesy - CopyThis painting by Christian Riese Lassen of an Indian woman in trance with her reflection of a condor captures much of the spirit of the book.


When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying,
a new Tribe of people shall come unto the Earth from
many creeds and classes, and who by their actions
and deeds shall make the Earth green again.
They shall be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow.

Hopi Prophesy

A direct extract from the Hopi Prophesies, much of which is relevant today:


CHAPTER 36                                                        ESCAPE                                        32 BC. 30 years old

Both Anouar and Adbeel were shrewd negotiators, which is why the offer was under consideration for so long. Adbeel’s leadership style and other actions clearly showed that in spite of being a tough leader, he was also considerate respecting the wishes and sensitivities of his Tribe. Inevitably this stalemate could not continue indefinitely, taking Khalid to force a decision. The impasse was ended by Anouar’s escape ending the continuing status quo.

Anouar’s subsequent return to the oasis had two obectives. To show Adbeel that in spite of him considering himself outside the proverbial long arm of the (Queen’s) law, he was very much in reach. Secondly in removing Khalid from her home, there were multiple messages:

  • The Tribe would know the Queen’s forces – augmented by Roman soldiers – would uphold the law.
  • This action would spread around the region enforcing its message even further.
  • Khalid’s poisonous tongue would be removed from the oasis and if she returned, she would be a changed person for the better.
  • Antony would again see Anouar’s strength and compassion at work gaining her even more respect and commitment from him.
  • Similarly the Egyptian and Roman soldiers would see Anouar’s influence and authority at work entrenching her position as a force to be reckoned with.



To my second son Tianjeo Gao
with the hope that his generation uses this
ancient military lore to wage peace instead of war.

Pretend to take one path while sneaking down another.
Gao Yuan. Lure the Tiger out the Mountains. The 36 Strategems of Ancient China.

Like the Five Rings by the Japanese Samurai Miyamoto Musashi written around 1645, the Chinese author Gao Yuan’s Lure the Tiger Out the Mountains is another Oriental war book used by people today in their daily lives to plan personal and business strategies. In Yuan’s dedication of the book to his son, he hopes the military lore content will be used to wage peace instead of war. Anouar’s return to Adbeel’s village was also to wage peace using military strength to enforce her position and that of her Queen.

Anouar set false trails (pretend to take one path) to buy time and aid their desperate escape (while sneaking down another).


CHAPTER 37                                              HEADBAND                              47th Summer

Constantly considering others, Condor’s Eye’s idea for Brown Beaver to be trained as a knapper is yet another example of his ongoing commitment to the Tribe. In declining the beautiful headband gift, Laughing Wind showed that she was sufficiently self-sufficient not to pander to her ego. After the headband was won by White Eagle’s bid for Spring Blossom, Condor’s Eye and Laughing Wind relieved the young couple’s debt with their own bison skin thereby perpetuating the concept of paying it forward, which the couple pledged themselves to doing.

Laughing Wind (2)

Beautiful regalia with exquisite headband.


Those that live for one another learn
that love is the bond of perfect unity.

Fool’s Crow

 Condor’s Eye and Laughing Wind live not merely for ‘one another’ but for every one of Great Spirit’s children. Its outcome is increased unity between the Clans.


CHAPTER 38                                          NAÏVE PLANNING                                   31 BC. 31 years old

 Here the egos of The Egyptian and Roman leader are completely opposite to the humble roles they had as Condor’s Eye and Laughing Wind. In Gina Cerminara’s book Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation, she explains that if one is an introvert in one life, you would then choose to be an extrovert in a subsequent one. A karmic swing to experience opposite extremes. Antony wants to be the sole ruler of the Roman Empire. Cleopatra has aspirations to be at his side when he enters Rome but is concerned that the people may think his suggested tactics are cowardly. Antony relents as he needs the Egyptian Navy to supplement his own forces. But as Anouar points out, the victor will write the history books so rather be shrewd and just win the war.


The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts;
therefore guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain
no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.
Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor;
for even death is one of the things that Nature wills.

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Meditations (121 AD-180 AD)

Under the circumstances, Cleopatra’s thoughts were unreasonable and did not even consider the possibility of death. Heeding Marcus Aurelius’ words may have resulted in a better decision for both of them.


CHAPTER 39                                            ANOTHER KIDNAPPING                       50th Summer

Understanding her husband, Laughing Wind pointed out to Condor’s Eye that his thoughts were preventing him from melding with a condor. How often do we deceive ourselves by not wanting to see things which outsiders then need to point out to us?

Retribution meted out to Dark Horse and his Clan was ruthless, typical of justice at that time. As uncomfortable Condor’s Eye may have been, he knew that any clemency pleas would fall on deaf ears.


We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors;
We borrow it from our children.

Ancient Indian proverb

A reminder that while in control, we must remember that we are merely custodians of the earth for our children who will inherit our actions which are bequest to them by our actions.


CHAPTER 40                                           TO WAR                                                 30 BC. 32 years old

First it was Cleopatra’s naïve perspective of honor versus winning the naval battle. Now she thought that she could negotiate with Octavius if Antony died honorably. She persuaded Antony not to utilize small vessels to burn Octavius’ armada and now she persuaded him to commit suicide. These decisions were driven by ego and inexperience, and definitely not with any love for Antony.


Great empires are not maintained by timidity.


As much as Anouar was a pacifist and hoped some of these values would be absorbed by Marc, he was still a great leader and needed to show great strength when necessary. Going to war against Octavius was a primary example.


CHAPTER 41                                               BEREFT SURVIVORS                        51st Summer

Compassion remains dominant. Condor’s Eye’s concerns for the survivors turned out to be well founded. This was most fortunate for the few remaining survivors and even more so when Laughing Wind refused to accept their plight by seeking a better solution.


Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed.
It means the damage no longer controls our lives.

Ashkay Dubey

In Mole Hill the survivors would heal with time. But, as the quote states, they will never forget their tragedies.


CHAPTER 42                                         A DIGNIFIED DEATH                           30 BC. 32 years old

In yet another display of unrealistic expectation, Cleopatra confidently felt she would be able to negotiate with Octavius who would succumb to her beguiling demands. She also considered that the only option for Marc Antony was suicide to uphold his honor. With Marc out the way, Cleopatra considered that she would be in a better negotiating position, which was why she really persuaded him to commit suicide. Realizing this, Anuoar’s hatred for the Queen reached a level that would only be satisfied by revenge.


“Is that how one says it? As simply as that.
Mark Antony is dead. Lord Antony is dead…
The dying of such a man, must be shouted, screamed!
It must echo back from the corners of the universe.
“Antony is dead! Mark Antony of Rome lives no more.


In spite of Antony being Octavian’s enemy, this public gesture for his fallen foe suggests respect of one great leader recognizing another.


CHAPTER 43                                                  THE PASSING                            63rd Summer

The time of death is either decided by our unconscious mind or our higher conscious according to various channeled teachings. Condor’s Eye, sensitive to any intuitive messages, synchronicity and signs, wondered whether the unusual subject was also some portent of his and Laughing Wind’s imminent death. Because he was correct and acted on his intuition, the couple was able to say their good byes to their beloved family, then died the following day.


There is no death.
Only a change of worlds.

Chief Seattle

Their change of worlds is the content of the final chapters.


CHAPTER 44                                                 RASHEED                                 30 BC. 32 years old

No one can understand the despair of someone contemplating suicide. Stoically Anouar tried to recover from her pain but it was too obstinate to relent. Eventually her despair had only one form of reprieve; suicide which would have a ripple effect through time into their future lifetimes.


To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late;
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods?

Lays of Ancient Rome,
Thomas Babington Macaulay

An example of what was considered to be an honorable way of dying in those times.


CHAPTER 45                                                  THE PLANNING

The same exercise as took place in the previous chapter whereby Condor’s Eye and Laughing Wind are assessing their latest incarnation to plan for future lifetimes. The key point is whether the couple would be together again and what experiences in this latest life would require significant karmic influences and balancing.


We are all visitors to this time, this place.
We are just passing through.
Our purpose here is to observe, to learn,
To grow, to love and then we return home.

Aboriginal saying

Even the Aborigines have similar beliefs as this quote depicts the same essence as these stories. But is home here or in some proverbial heaven?


CHAPTER 46                             LORDS OF KARMA                           30 BC 34 years old

The process of assessing the immediate past life with particular reference to how much love one was involved in is well documented. This and other criteria (e.g. impact of committing suicide) form the basis of planning future lives. Therefore the core of this (and the following) chapter is not the product of some unusual imagination about how it must be. It has been structured to reflect the procedures that the author suspects are involved in preparing for future lives.

Anouar’s premature demise set various key events in motion that she would contract to karmicaly experience in a future life with Anthony.

See section 16 below for information on the sources of concepts such as the Lords of Karma.


Karma .. continues from one lifetime to another.
…. it has nothing to do with predestination.
Instead it has everything to do with predisposition….
This is based on the energies of the past…

The Recalibration of Humanity.
Kryon Book 13. Lee Carroll

Information streaming to us such as this quote indicates changes in both our awareness and understanding, and that there is a shift taking place towards some new paradigm for mankind.

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The primary experiences Fey is destined to follow were predetermined during her previous incarnation in Egypt and before in America,  which is in the book Condor’s Eye. The era chosen was conducive to the lessons to be learned providing the necessary backdrop for her subsequent lifetimes’ contracted challenges. The product of these then established the portfolio of experiences for the lifetimes in Ireland with the same partner.

The chapters alternate between the two periods in the 1200s and 1700s, which is partly used to indicate the karmic connections between their lifetimes. The initial chapters have less information below about them as the story needs to develop before significant details and explanations can be given.


  • Kismet is a love story about a couples in ancient Ireland.
  • It describes their lives in the 1200s and then the 1700s.
  • The 1200s was an era of suppressing the barely surviving belief in the Mother Earth Goddess feminine energy in favor of the masculine Christ energy.
  • In the 1700s our couple is challenged by the Protestant English occupation in Catholic Ireland.
  • The sagas of our hero and heroine are the trials of living with the challenges inherent in those different times.
  • Their lives encounter love and violence, hate and reconciliation, free will and destiny.
  • There are hidden messages spanning 500 years using Geoffrey Chaucer’s cryptic code connecting various events in the couple’s two lifetimes.
  • The couples have many philosophical debates about the meaning, purpose and mechanism of life.
  • Their deep love for each other is expressed in actions, poems and prose.
  • There is Irish folklore and myth, charms and spells, pagan beliefs and practices.
  • A prequel has been written about the same couple where the same couple are Native American Indians and then living in Egypt around 30 BC. The karmic links are again explored between those two lifetimes which determine factors that become key attributes in Fey and Adam’s lives.

The photographs were taken by the author during research visits to County Clare, Ireland.

CHAPTER 1                      LIVE BAIT                             19th July 1754

County Clare

Commencing in the 1700s, this chapter describes a plot which Kevan has conceived to attack the English occupiers of Ireland and the risk inherent in doing so. The reader is shown the direction in which their lives are to go with the balance if the attack continuing later in the book.


O many a year, upon Shannon’s side,
They sang upon moor and they sang upon heath,
Of the twain that breasted that raging tide,
And the ten that shook bloody hands with Death!

The Siege of Athlone by Irish poet Aubrey de Vere (1814-1902)

River Shannon

River Shannon

The quote refers to Shannon and death in Athlone where our trio were also planning to perpetrate a killing.


CHAPTER 2                                          THE PYRE                               28th March 1238

Traveling back to the 1200s when Fey and Adam are children, the scene commences with the heinous killing of Fey’s mother as a witch. This experience instills in the children various personality attributes influencing them for the rest of their lives. For example being orphaned Fey will endure typical emotions and feelings of an abandoned child (as was contracted after her previous Egyptian incarnation  in Condor’s Eye). This influences her decisions thereby directing her life along a particular path.

Carran church (1)

Remnants of Carran's Church

Remnants of Carran’s Church


The position of the Christian peoples in our days has
remained just as cruel as it was in the times of
paganism. In many respects, especially in the
oppression of the masses, it has become even
more cruel than it was in the days of paganism.
The Kingdom of God Is Within You,
Chapter IX, Leo Tolstoy

Christianity’s cruel oppression of paganism was still being remarked on by Tolstoy in his book published in 1884 six hundred years after April’s execution. How much progress has Western Civilisation therefore made during this period when he says “… it has become even more cruel”? Tolstoy endorsed the concept of turning the other cheek and espoused this philosophy in his book. Gandhi was inspired by its principles which contributed towards his non-violent, passive protestation strategy.

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CHAPTER 3                                          THE ATROCITY                             22nd September 1740

The first karmic link between the two lifetimes becomes evident. The one person becomes an orphan in the 1200s followed by the other being left parentless in the 1700s. This similarity is to provide a parallel situation for reasons which become evident in subsequent chapters. Genders are reversed so in both cases it is the female who is orphaned. This ensures the couple undergo matching experiences.

Ring of Kerry

Ring of Kerry


“Ireland is governed under a system of coercion such as there has not been within living memory.”
Westminster Gazette, 16 December, 1919.

Even in England they recognised that their style of occupational government in Ireland was the most coercive imaginable.

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CHAPTER 4                                                   THE DISCIPLE                                  20th February 1250

Fey and Adam are now teenagers. Fey is plagued by incessant thoughts of her vulnerability as an orphan and they both feel limited in the tiny village of Carran which has little to offer them. The arrival of Fey’s cousin Sylvan to teach her various skills is an opportunity which she immediately accepts without any consideration of Adam’s possible adverse sentiments about this. Sylvan’s opportunity is the karmic product of Fey’s previous life in Egypt which is detailed in a prequel called Condor’s Eye (to be published in 2015). The contention it leads to between her and Adam is a repeat opportunity to progress a previous incarnation’s experiences and continues into their future life as Áine and Kevan. Communication is fundamental to human relationships and we are constantly tested so as to improve our skills of intimate interactions with people close to us. Sylvan’s counsel to withhold her true purpose from Adam until an auspicious time was pre-programmed to elevate the level of tension so that Adam’s eventual trial would be significant. His inability to manage his extreme emotions and persist in finding a mutually acceptable solution voluntarily took him into a separation wilderness affording him time for reflection. This is when growth provided an opportunity to reflect on the situation and then determine options. His lesson appears to have been eventually learned but to confirm this, a similar situation would need to arise in their future lifetime together as Áine and Kevan.

Galway (2)
Galway today

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly,
but rarely admit the changes
it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
Maya Angelou

Galway today

Galway scene

Another description of how the Irish lived in those times was described in the book The Bonanza King by Gregory Crouch (Published by Scribner, 2018):
Walls of loose-stacked stone slathered in mud enclosed the one¬-room shelters that housed fully half the Irish population. Most didn’t have windows. A roof of tree branches, sod, and leaky thatch protected them from the worst of the Atlantic rains; an open peat fire warmed them through the dark winter months. Beds and blankets were rare luxuries. Most Irish families slept on bare dirt floors alongside their domestic animals. A British government official reporting on the living conditions of the Irish peasantry noted that ‘in many districts their only food is the potato, their only beverage water. . . . Pigs and manure constitute their only property.’



I invoke the Great Mother, Father and Holy Spirit,
Sacred Trinity of innumerable names.
I invoke you Lady of Medicine,
healer of all infirmities.
I invoke you Queen of the Universe,
heavens, seas and lands.
I invoke you Sovereign of Spirituality,
so that your light may descend upon us
and illuminate our path.

Our Lady of Montenero (1345 AD)

Fey was to be trained as a healer of people physically and emotionally, and of farms’ crops and animals. She would learn how to invoke the Great Mother.

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CHAPTER 5                                               DISCUSSIONS                                     1751 AD

A humble Irish abode

A humble abode

Akin to the time Fey and Adam spent together in the evenings with homework, learning and discussing life, Áine and Kevan continue this process. For reasons which become apparent later in the book, the couple in the later lifetime need to repeat lessons from the earlier one so similar situations are set up. One repeated subject is their probing beyond what biased information the system / society tries to spoon feed us with. This unsettles them in both lifetimes forcing them to question their individual values then make appropriate decisions. One of the purposes of our gift of free will is to choose the bad, reap the negative rewards which it sows across multiple lifetimes and ultimately realise that goodness and godliness through love is the only worthwhile path to follow. The reader is referred to the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament where a son of King David (believed to be King Solomon) relates his attempts at searching for the meaning of life and how to find a path of indefinite contentment rather than momentary happiness before looking for some other temporary fix that also only lasts briefly. Some of the words of this chapter were set to a song by Pete Seger called Turn! Turn! Turn! which The Byrds produced in the nineteen sixties that became a great hit:

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;

A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

These words are from Chapter III of Ecclesiastes. Assuming that this son of David was King Solomon he was able to pursue any and every indulgence and experience available to man at that time (around 937 BC). His ultimate conclusion is the timeless counsel we should all consider most seriously given at the end of this biblical book:

Chapters XI, Verses 13-14:

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil.

(From The British Bible & Foreign Bible Society translation directly from Hebrew to English).

However the latest book by Neale Donald Walsch who wrote the Conversations With God series called “God’s Message to the World: You’ve Got Me All Wrong” disputes King Solomon’s words about God judging everything we do. Rather we judge ourselves and make decisions on what experiences we should have during a subsequent incarnation. That is only one of the many things we got wrong about God so reading this book is a must!

Dunguaire Castle

Dunguaire Castle

The exploration of life and its mechanism is as old as mankind. Our couple are just one such example of the billions of people before and after them all seeking an understanding of how it all works. While life has changed since their eras and that of King Solomon, fundamental principles are independent of time and are therefore equally applicable now. Some of these are investigated by our hero and heroine coloured and overlaid with understandings from the present time. This is the allegorical aspect of the novel.


Teach a wise man something
and he will be more wise.

Chinese proverb

Kevan had a discontentment about their education:

“Kevan too wondered where their education would take them. Was this all merely an exercise in futility, elevating their level of education with no way to take advantage of it in a small town? He began to envy the complacency and general life acceptance of his relatively ignorant neighbours whose horizons ended as far as they could see.”

In The Nature of Reality by Jane Robert (published by Amber-Allen, California), Seth refers to the most fundamental units of existence being Conscious Units which are the building blocks from sub-atomic particles into complex organisms. With an intrinsic conscious awareness we will always seek knowledge. Kryon adds to this by stating that we intrinsically aspire to reach our potential and are therefore never satisfied with a condition of indefinitely remaining static. So even if we have attained a level of being a ‘wise man’, we will continue to yearn to learn irrespective of how much knowledge we have acquired. Kevan would therefore be driven on even if he rationalised that it was futile or that he had learnt sufficient for his life’s requirements.

In Jane Roberts’ book The Seth Material, Chapter 18, Seth says:

“Consciousness, seeking to know itself, therefore knows you. You, as a consciousness, seek to know yourself and become aware of your self as a distinct individual portion of All That Is (i.e. God). You not only draw upon this overall energy but you do so automatically since your existence is dependent upon It.”

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CHAPTER 6                                            THE IMPASSE                                           10th October 1249

The first ever conflict between the couple finally happens. This is a pre-ordained event that they have to go through for karmic reasons. Of course Adam botches it by fleeing the stressful situation rather than confront it and negotiate. He therefore must endure the emotional agonies accompanying his impulsive decision. Naturally no one knew that this incident was orchestrated from another level so Adam’s extreme behaviour was a surprise to everyone including himself. How often have we behaved inexplicably and subsequently rued the incident? Perhaps there were other forces at work which we are unaware of. This concept is explored frequently during the book.

Galway lock

Galway lock


  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don’t take anything personally
  3. Don’t make assumptions
  4. Always do your best.

The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz

How do the Four Agreements relate to the events in this chapter?

  1. Fey concealed her true work with Sylvan from Adam. Her word was therefore not impeccable.
  2. Adam’s challenge was not to judge Fey’s reason for her silence or choice of new career. But he took it personally accusing her of indifferently ignoring his possible feelings about her new path.
  3. Adam incorrectly interpreted Fey’s silence and avoided ongoing communication to address the problem. He made assumptions which were incorrect.
  4. Adam retreated from Carran and therefore was unable to do his best.

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CHAPTER 7                                              DUBLIN                                          1752 AD

Coiribe Bridge

Coiribe Bridge

Coiribe bridge (2)

Coiribe bridge in the distance

It is the next phase of Áine and Kevan’s lives. They have their first serious thoughts regarding the reason for their good fortune in Dublin. The bursaries to Trinity College then finding accommodation well above their means. If it is due to God’s reward and punishment system, why have they been rewarded so disproportionately well? Kevan’s awareness of other possible reasons is clearly stated with his words:

“…. Has it only been serendipity? Is there some other force at work that is directing our lives? Could we be creating our reality in some other way without realising it if we don’t know the mechanism? I am concerned that perhaps we should be doing something to maintain our winning streak and we are unaware as to what it is….. We seemed to have had too many coincidences which cannot be just a fluke…. I have seen too many good people suffering as you have. Something else must be at work. But then if the process was obvious we would all know what it is. Therefore I am sceptical that we will stumble upon the answer.”

One of Áine’s responses:

“Which answer?’ asked Áine. “Sounds like you know what the question is. Is it: What is the meaning to life? How does life work? Why are we here? Is there really a God? All of these questions and more.”

These questions about life continue to be asked today. Are we any closer to an understanding? All the information appearing suggests we are moving into a new paradigm for mankind as demonstrated by the New Age spiritual movement with many new sources giving us amazing knowledge. Sceptics refute it whereas believers embrace the emerging truth revealing how existence actually works.


Old Irish Blessing:

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

In high spirits our couple set off to Dublin with the feelings of being blessed along the way as described in Go n-eírí an bóthar leat.

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CHAPTER 8                                       THE GALWAY SEMINARY                                     1249 AD

The pain of Adam’s action inflicted on everyone is revealed in this chapter. Stubbornness prevails from a person who was normally quite the opposite. Again was Adam being driven by other forces? It was as though he had been imprisoned without free will. Could this be what karma is all about? If so where does free will come in? A bleak and bitter lesson driving home its point in a most painful way.

Fey’s incident with O’Hannigan’s cow illustrates how vulnerable and fragile she was during this time. Was this also her karmic debt from some prior situation in a life with Adam? In many instances when a couple separate, one of them eventually moves on to better things but here the couple clung to hopes of reconciliation. Sylvan said to Fey:

“Life is somehow meant to be hard and challenging. Often we don’t know why and must just be accepting of our lot.”

Most of the time we do not know why incidents happen and they are invariably accepted reluctantly as “life”. Life’s inexplicable enigma, which people have investigated for millennia. Again are we finally receiving more information now about what has been hidden in whatever mechanisms are at play?

Deadly nightshade is also known as Belladonna. One of its toxins is scopolamine and a single leaf or a few berries can be lethal to an adult.

Stone barn

Stone barn ruin


Negative states such as anger, anxiety, hatred,
resentment, discontent, envy, jealousy, and so on
are not recognized as negative but as totally justified
and are further misperceived not as self-created
but as caused by someone else or some external factor.

CH 4, The Pathological Ego, A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle

In Tolle’s exceptional book, Adam seems to be an ideal case study. He refuses to accept any responsibility and perpetuates most of the negative state that have been described. If he could only have read Tolle’s A New Earth back in the 1200s his misery may have been short lived with new insights and awareness from the book which he only realised when his father Hugh confronted him.

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CHAPTER 9                                                   STUDENT LIFE                                                   1752 AD

Continuing with their lives in Dublin, Kevan’s subconscious desire for revenge starts simmering. The stage has been set for the series of events which leads to the set of karmic challenges that will confront them. These sentiments are revealed in sentences by Kevan such as:

“Bishop, officially how does the Catholic Church in Eire coexist with the English Protestants who must endeavour to continuously erode Catholicism and convert us to their profane ways?

“Áine’s mother was raped and murdered by the English. I therefore would love to wreak a fair revenge.”

Ruined castle representing Ireland's tumultuous history

Ruined Irish castle in the Burren


That moment is a moment of illumination
because once you have seen what the ego is,
the game is finished.

Osho,From Ignorance to Innocence, Talk #30

The perennial saga of the ego continues for our protagonists from the 1200s into the 1700s. The problems it has forever created for virtually everybody has produced countless volumes of works addressing techniques to understand and manage it. Here Osho says that once one is aware of its game, it is game over and we will no longer be subject to its influences. Seth refers to how we have abdicated responsibility to the ego by allowing it to make decisions instead of our conscious mind. These decisions are then clouded by the ego’s needs which are often to our detriment.
Kevan and Áine’s ability to simply resolve their conflict as a repeat exercise of the Adam / Fey discord had subtle influences below their level of awareness. Stimuli from egos or the subconscious mind clouding their judgement would be the traditional explanation. But behavioural patterns from previous lifetimes filter through as well and no amount psychotherapy will reveal those. Some therapists have hypnotised their patients who have indicated that various factors are of past life origins and only with that information can some of these influences be successfully addressed. Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss is a classic book explaining this phenomenon. Another is Many Mansions by Gina Cerminara explaining the concept of karma based on the Edgar Cayce readings .

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CHAPTER 10                                                CAPITULATION                                             1250 AD

If we do not see life’s lesson being offered, pressure escalates until one is forced to concede and shift. Adam’s stubbornness is clear:

Adam refused to accept any responsibility for his position and invariably blamed Fey. This  merely entrenched him in perpetuating his misery of being stuck in Galway while holding Fey accountable for his circumstances.

Once we descend to some nadir, only then do we despair sufficiently for our untenable position that we finally decide to change. This reactive pattern is conspicuous if we are aware and watch it within ourselves and others. Scott Peck’s landmark book The Road Less Traveled discusses this and how to be more proactive when confronted with difficulties. We conduct our lives in accordance with our level of awareness which facilitates or impedes our ability to resolve a situation easily or with difficulty.

Once the lesson had been learned, the situation finally shifts. Adam’s resistance dissipated in a moment once this stage had been reached:

“Oh Father, I have been so blind. Why did you not come earlier? Just a few words from you was all it took for me to see my folly. I had convinced myself that I was impervious to any suggestion that the persuasive effects written words (by Fey) may carry.”

On reflection Adam wondered on why he had been so stubborn:

“…. she should have the freedom to choose her destiny. If only he had been able to acknowledge this at the time, these wasted and most painful months could have been averted.”

What Adam did not realise is that he was subject to a karmic lesson and was therefore unable to reach that conclusion until it had been learned through the experience.

Carran today

Carran today


“The difficulty we have in accepting responsibility for our behavior
lies in the desire to avoid the pain of the consequences of that behavior. ”

M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Travelled.

Problems seldom just go away. Invariably their intensity and difficulty of resolution escalate when ignored. In spite of experiencing this fact we continue to respond the same way without breaking this unrewarding pattern. Books like Scott Peck’s The Road Less Travelled and Alan Cohen’s The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Any More help readers immediately seek a solution upon being confronted with a problem rather than retreat from it. Adam’s reaction to the situation is so typical of what most people do, namely abdicate responsibility, withdraw and blame others.
The stand-off between Adam and Fey ran into months across seasons. Unceasing deliberation of their predicament especially with Adam not being prepared to change his stance meant the situation would not change either. Insanity has been described as repeating one’s actions expecting a different outcome. What if Adam had accepted his contribution to the situation before his father arrived to oppose his self-justifications? He acknowledged that his misery was a product of his deprivation from Fey but his ego would not let him capitulate. In the end he did concede his foolishness and that admission took him back to his beloved. Most of us relate to this scenario with unpleasant memories and thoughts of how they could have been avoided. If only we had …..

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CHAPTER 11                                                  DISSENSION                                                 1752 AD

Did Fey and Adam learn their lesson about maintaining communications through stressful times? It was now time for them to be tested as Kevan and Áine. The chapter commences with the couple being placed in company that sets the stage for conflict between them. It commences relatively slowly which affords an opportunity to resolve the rising tension sooner rather than later. While the early resolution opportunity is not grasped, probably being a behavioural “seep through” from their akashic memories of the previous life experience together, an advance on their previous episode is that they remained in relatively close proximity so many resolution opportunities could be attempted. During this time the couple tried many times to settle their differences. Such lessons are influenced by egos and deep beliefs, which are an impediment to shifting. Therefore these lessons invariably take longer to learn.

The chapter also reviews Áine / Adam’s experience to acquire similar feelings as an orphan that Fey / Kevan went through. All part of the greater karmic plan to which we voluntarily subject ourselves to when in spirit form between incarnations.

As with many of our dilemmas, this one is cleverly centred on two plausible arguments, each with some merit. More specifically Kevan wants to free his subjugated brethren from the English. It is a noble calling whereby he is prepared to sacrifice himself for the good of the Irish. However unlike Gandhi’s strategy of passive resistance (satyagraha), Kevan’s path involves force resulting in the enemy being wounded and killed. This conflicts with Áine’s “love they neighbour” policy irrespective of how evil the person may be. This is equally commendable, hence the conflict.

Ultimately our decision will be determined by how many life experiences we have had. If the objective is to still love in the face of hate, evil and other negative enticements, one needs to have endured so much negativity that it no longer becomes an option. There is no judgement in choosing either option, just recognition that people are at different positions along their respective paths through multiple lifetimes. To reiterate the bigger lesson is to learn acceptance and not be judgmental of others.

Ruins (8)

Ruined abode near Doolin


Learning to some extent is passed on through genes,
biochemically, but this is a physical materialization of
inner knowledge achieved and retained from past lives …
The human being does not … erupt into existence at birth and
laboriously then begin to first attempt to gain experience.
If this were the case you would still be in the Stone Age.

Seth teachings through Jane Roberts

This quote supports one of the premises on which this book is based, namely that we are unknowingly influenced by passed life experiences. The evolution and progress of mankind is contingent upon this otherwise we “… would still be in the Stone Age.”

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CHAPTER 12                                               THE REUNION                                     1250 AD

Perfumery (2)

Wall of Burren stone in the Carran Perfumery

This was an emotional time for all the family and Sylvan, happy from the relief that the saga final ended happily. Adam and Fey share their respective emotions during this period as part of their healing process. Soon life settles back to routine but its new direction makes Adam anxious. Is it his intuition feeding him vital information? Intuition is so intangible and vague, something we all receive but to which few respond. Various teachings enhance one’s receptivity to such stimuli enabling one to recognise gifts of information from Spirit. The teachings by Seth through Jane Roberts ( has volumes on developing our Inner Senses, which includes intuition.

Even Fey had a wispy, intuitive thought which she never followed:

“She just stared at it (her athame knife gift) lost in some reverie involving forces and dances in the moonlight which she felt she would best initiate its first use. The knife seemed to have some power protecting her with invincibility. Or did it?”

Athame ritual knife

Athame ritual knife


Remember that the key to life is the Creative Word.
The key to the Creative Word is Love.
The key to Love is Understanding.

– Mikhail Naimy, On prayer, The Book of Mirdad

All parties prayed for reconciliation. They sought Creative Words to achieve this. Mirdad explains that the key to finding such words need to be based in Love. But that in turn depends on one Understanding the other and oneself.

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CHAPTER 13                                RECONCILIATION THWARTED                                       1752 AD

The stand-off between Áine and Kevan continues. The justifications and abdicating from responsibility assigning the intransigence to the other party persists. This behaviour is virtually a repeat of their impasse as Adam and Fey. Here is their challenge to work through and have a better outcome than their previous attempt. Seán finds himself as a facilitator, catalyst, confidant and scapegoat as particularly Kevan projects his anger onto Seán. Apart the couple are repentant and wish to end the conflict. But whenever they are together, they are overcome with negative emotions from the anger at having to endure what the other’s stance has created. This destroys any attempts at a settlement initiated by the other party thereby maintaining the stalemate. Eventually that nadir is reached and they reconcile. The overall affair took less time than Fey and Adam’s experience as they were able to make contact more frequently. While the backdrop may have changed, the lesson was still one of accepting another person’s point of view while not necessarily agreeing with it.

Leamaneh Castle

Leamaneh Castle in County Clare


The First Insight is an awareness of the
mysterious occurrences that change one’s life,
the feeling that some other process is operating.

– James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

If Fey and Adam had learnt their lesson, although Áine and Kevan reconciled quicker, it was still fairly protracted. Were there other forces at work ensuring the lesson was completely learnt, dragging on the experience until this other process was satisfied?

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CHAPTER 14                                                FEY’S ROOTS                                       1251 AD

This chapter primarily explains aspects of Fey’s roots which contributed towards moulding her into the personality she was developing. However the exercise assigned by Sylvan to understand the process of forgiveness has a ripple effect into the future which influences them as Áine and Kevan where they do not understand why they have such intense feelings about this concept. These sentiments are the product of a previous life experience of which they are obviously unaware.

Inside the Carran Church

Inside Carran Church


Soft April showers and bright May flowers
Will bring the summer back again,
But will they bring me back the hours
I spent with my brave Donnell then?

‘Tis but a chance, for he’s gone to France,
To wear the fleur-de-lys;
But I’ll follow you my Donnell Dhu,
For still I’m true to you, machree

Denny Lane, Lament of The Irish Maiden

Fey’s father James had apparently gone to fight for the Cathars in France and never returned. In Denny Lane’s Lament of the Irish Maiden, Donnell Dhu her machree or darling also went to France.

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CHAPTER 15                                                 PART-TIME WORK                                                1753 AD

Part of Kevan and Áine’s personalities was for them to be seekers. This had been earned over multiple lifetimes and continued in this one. His questions to the Rabbi about deeper meanings to events in the Old Testament revealed this trait. Their subsequent discussion about his visit is laden with pertinent questions about the hidden side of life:

Kevan’s discussion with Áine on whether this surprise interpretation of underlying, hidden information spread into other walks of life.

“Firstly how often do we see things superficially and make incorrect and therefore unjust judgements?” Kevan asked Áine. “Our perceptions are often different to others as one only has minimal information and facts, yet we tend to make assumptions, which are all too often wrong”

Áine continued with this line of thought:” Yes, from that basis how often do we find we have unfairly assessed someone or something and incorrectly reached some wrong conclusion? The way we have been asking why we have been so blessed begs the same question. Are there forces at work directing us that we are unaware of? Is there a higher cause or meaning to what we can only view on a lower level here on Earth? That David apparently challenged God in a well meant attempt at proving his devotion is not stated in the written Bible. Nor are his other actions even vaguely justified. Yet you have received information that places a completely different perspective on the events. Why are the English still here after so many hundreds of years? Why did my parents die so violently? Why did our anger and separation happen with so much misunderstand of each other? Yet why have many other things been relatively easy for us? Why? Why? Why?”

One of Kevan’s comments to Áine’s questions:

“If we have been living some kind of illusion, where is the reality, what is real, what should we believe in?”

The question for each of us is therefore whether there is some direction and higher purpose for each of us and if so how do we determine what it is? Then is there anything we can do to improve, change, harness and direct the course of events over which we general feel we have no control? This is the current shift people are experiencing with the many teachings about creating one’s reality rather than blindly blundering along with our best endeavours which could be more controlled and directed if we only knew how. Being dubious about such abilities precludes one from believing in its possibility and therefore deprives the person from the potential of learning and harvesting the fruits of such knowledge. If one does not believe in this concept then one just does not believe. Again there is no judgement. But do not be surprised if you therefore have to reincarnate with a contract to follow a spiritual path and have these experiences.

Along the Irish West Coast

Along the Irish West Coast

Doolin (4)
Doolin (5)


Our friends of the night
Of mist, and of moonlight…
You who are seldom seen.
Be with us now
And spread apart the Veil of Being
That we may look beyond.

– Herman Slater editor, Book of Pagan Rituals.

A prayer to see beyond what is superficially presented to us in life. Adam and Fey are on the path of seekers.

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CHAPTER 16                                               THE BURREN                                                   1252 AD

Kilfenora (2)

Irish folklore and myth is rich, steeped in ancient traditions and tales. The forces behind the superficially recorded battle of the O’Briens for control of County Clare has been recorded here to again show how life has many hidden levels behind the veil.

O'Brien's Fort, Cliffs of Mohar

O’Brien’s Fort, Cliffs of Mohar

Fey’s meditation at the dolmain was used to explain what modern science has finally determined, that it is a burial site which is about 6000 years old. Science has also shown that the bare Burren rock is the result of a glacier that scoured the surface clean of all sand and therefore all plant life other than in the cracks.

Polnbron (5)
Polnbron (1)

We have only skimmed the surface of Clare music
and got the barest essentials of dolmains,
holy wells and lunar landscape of the beltan.
Imagine leaving all these people
and not knowing how their lives turned out.
It’s more than flesh and blood could bear.

– Maeve Binchy, A Week in Summer

Polnbron (4)
Maeve Binchy’s words pertaining to where Fey and Adam live and were travelling.  County Clare with its dolmains and the people who we do not know “how their lives turned out”.

Polnbron (3)

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CHAPTER 17                                          ANOTHER ATROCITY                                       1753 AD

Kevan and Áine’s interaction trying to anticipate what the other will write in expressing themselves was to indicate how much we may and may not understand someone we are extememly close to. Are we innovative, spontaneous and creative or are there other influences subtly seeping through into our conscious which may be the source of what we believe may be our own original work?

QUOTE: Only an excerpt was presented in the book. Here is are the full words to Paul Simon’s poignant song.

April, comes she will
When streams are ripe and swelled with rain
May, she will stay
Resting in my arms again
June, she’ll change her tune
In restless walks, she’ll prowl the night
July, she will fly
And give no warning of her flight
August, die she must
The autumn winds blow chilly and cold
September, I’ll remember
A love once new has now grown cold.

– Paul Simon  

These beautiful words have various references to both the seasons mentioned in this chapter and Fey’s beautiful mother April who eventually dies: “April, comes she will …….August, die she must”.

Celtic Cross - circle overlaid on the cross

Celtic Cross – circle overlaid on the cross

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CHAPTER 18                                     MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING                                        1252 AD

Kilfenora Church

Kilfenora Church

This is initial interaction where the couple explore themselves and try to predict what the other will express in writing. Áine’s desire to do the same exercise stemmed from this experience. Same question – how many influences in our lives stem from sources we are unaware of?

Adam expresses his concern:

“I also keep wondering why we should be so blessed when life around us is so hard. And I pray daily to God that our good fortune should be sustained.”

This is a reflection of his growing discontentment, challenging the system by being honest with himself. Adam brought these attributes of his personality into this incarnation and is merely living them out.

Fey’s words: “Not information but knowledge do I seek” was inspired from a discourse by Bhagwan / Osho who differentiated between information as being mere facts and knowledge when one has managed to integrate those facts into one’s personality. Otherwise that information has no practical value for us.

Flowers growing in Burren rock cracks

Flowers growing in Burren rock cracks

Burren (2)


I am linear, dear spirit, and I give permission to only tune in to
the intuition channel and tune out the others (as) of right now.

Ch 2 The Unseen Energy Around You, The New Beginning.
Kryon teachings through Lee Carroll

We tend to lose our intuition which is innate in children who are more emotionally open than adults having become structured and rational as we grow older. The couple tried to intuitively feel what the other would express. With the statement in this quote, Kryon advises us to declare our intent to recover that lost ability considering all its benefits. This will initiate a process to rekindle that lost skill.

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CHAPTER 19                                 INTRANSIGENT NEGOTIATIONS                                   1753 AD

Looking from Doolin across to the Aran Isles

Looking from Doolin across to the Aran Isles

Is part of Kevan’s extreme feeling about the injustices inflicted on them by the English merely some feeling of unfairness? As Fey he / she was unable to even confront the unfairness of her mother’s murder. What emotions could she have carried through that lifetime to which he / she is now able to give expression? This is the balancing of energy which karma requires.

“….he still felt somewhere there was a principle he was upholding and could not fathom why it bothered him that she was vehemently against it. Or perhaps Áine was just against the risks he ran if he was honest with himself. These contradictory feelings seemed to inexplicably be rising up from somewhere deep inside him. Why or where they came from was an enigma and Kevan finally just accepted their presence without reconciling what their source may have been”.


Taken as a whole, I would believe that Gandhi’s views were
the most enlightening of all the political men of our time.
We should strive to do things in spirit…not to use violence in fighting
for our cause, but by non-participation in what we believe is evil.

Albert Einstein, UN radio interview 1950

In spite of Einstein believing in Ghandi’s approach to non-violence his E=MC2 formula resulted in the atomic bomb. Kevan understood Áine’s stance against violence at all costs resulting in his personal conflict of justifying aggression towards the English.

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CHAPTER 20                                          BANNED BOOKS                                                1252 AD

From The Burren Centre, Kilfenora

From The Burren Centre, Kilfenora

The borrowed / stolen banned book is a conduit to insert various additional esoteric concepts about life into the story. Since such information is timeless as the Truth is not time dependent. It was covert in those days whereas it is readily available today. The first concept:

Sylvan explained:

“Life is all illusion and our reality is dependent on what is behind what is referred to as the veil. Obtaining knowledge from there is invariably the truth and not man made theories or distortions.”

She is explaining to Adam that there is hidden knowledge for which one needs to seek ‘behind the veil’. Particularly in the West this is still not mainstream the way reincarnation is fundamental to Eastern religions. In the Jewish mystical Kabbalah and covert Christian teachings, multiple lifetimes are completely accepted as a normal part of existence. The concept of karma is first mentioned here when Sylvan recounts some of the knowledge Marco Polo returns with from the East.

One of Adam’s comments:

“…. Fey has tried to explain to me, coincidences in life are orchestrated from a higher source”.

Carl Jung coined this experience as synchronicity whereby apparent coincidences are in fact extremely meaningful. That they are orchestrated from a higher source and if we are aware of the phenomenon, will be alert to their occurrences to seek the message or information we are being given. An opportunity to synchronise ourselves with Spirit and the Universe. That the banned book found Adam at that time is an example of synchronicity. He was ready for its teachings. Sylvan stated this:

“…you did not find the book, it found you as you are now ready”.

Zen proverb: When the student is ready, the master will appear.

The explanation of karma is embellished. The origin of the removal of references to incarnation in the New Testament is explained other than one which slipped through: our lives live in many mansions. The question is why the paradigm of mankind’s learning through repeated life experiences must be hidden in memories of previous incarnations (our akashic records). This deprives us of knowledge that could accelerate our self-education and potentially reduce the negative karma we then have to endure. There are more answers available now but only through the hard work of seeking and going inwards. Short cuts do not have the same impact or meaning imposing a more arduous path on us if we wish to achieve self upliftment.

Bare Burren rock

Bare Burren rock


These priests had the muzzle of prevention
that they wrapped around our eyes.
To keep us away from those lofty castles,
nor drink the milk of sublime.
Dogma and doctrine blinded,
the sense and perception in darkness.
No milk for all those.

– Jalalu’ddin Rumi, The Lion & the Beasts.

Rumi refers to how priests prevent us from seeing what higher states we can achieve (lofty castles) and from imbibing in the sublime (God). Their dogma and doctrine (deliberately) blinds their followers. This is exactly what Adam has come to realise.

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CHAPTER 21                                        THE POISONED PLOT                                    1753 AD

The conflict about wreaking revenge and turning the other cheek continues but violence prevails. In a soul’s evolution, early incarnations entice one through free will to explore hate rather than love, evil rather than goodness and many other negative experiences. As one progresses through many lives, the futility and unpleasantness of such decisions is realised and choices become more towards the light, love and positivity. In seeking justification for his intentions, Kevan finds no one supports him and is counselled instead to desist. However his karmic drive is too compelling and he succumbs to its influence. But not without introspection and pressure to discontinue with his conspiracy against their oppressors.

The review of various poisons at that time had to be from a qualitative (observation) view point rather than quantitative (measurement) since an understanding of chemistry, bacteriology, toxicology and other associated sciences was relatively primitive in the 1700s. Joseph Priestley only discovered oxygen in 1774 so at Trinity College in 1753 that knowledge was not yet known. Anoxia and being cyanosed was known by observation as were various causes, but not the mechanism. Strychnine is found in nature and causes death by asphyxiation. However between taste and dilution it was not a contender for their plan. The poison from the fungus Aspergillus favus referred to by the College Pharmacologist Padrick O’Flaherty is aflatoxin. It is one of the most potent poisons in nature where only a few parts per billion is enough to destroy the liver. However there was also a dilution problem plus a relatively long period before victims would die. Eventually only botulinum toxin from Clostridium botulinum satisfied their criteria being the most powerful poison known to mankind.

Route to Killorgin

Route to Killorglin


If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
But if I am only for myself, who am I?
If not now, when?

Hillel the Elder, 110 BC

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

Kevan’s sentiment was that he needed to follow his heart and beliefs. No one else can live his life for him. By capitulating to Áine’s demands would he be dishonest to some of his most important values? Something we are all confronted with.

But if I am only for myself, who am I?

When his fall-out with Áine occurred, he had to examine himself. Was he being too selfish and if so what kind of a person was he? We all need to examine whether we are altruistic or self-indulgent.

If not now, when?

Procrastination was of concern to the Defenders. As weeks and months slipped by, potential opportunities to hit the enemy were being lost. But on a personal level, what are we avoiding or deferring because it may be unpleasant or difficult? Do it now!

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CHAPTER 22                                   BLASPHEMOUS CONCEPTS                                 1253 AD

Adam now discusses some of what he has read in the banned book with Fey. He gives examples of how karma works across lifetimes. Then he regurgitates the theory of time being an illusion from a higher level. There are many sources describing this phenomenon but we are all so locked into the illusion that it is virtually impossible to feel how existence can be without a series of sequential events we perceive as time. Some references are listed for anyone wishing to delve deeper into this, which is beyond the scope of these insights.

Vertical henge stones compared to a dolmain

Vertical henge stones compared to a dolmain


Before Enlightenment
Chop wood, carry water.

After Enlightenment
Chop wood, carry water.

Zen Proverb

Fundamental survival activities continue in life irrespective of our individual level of awareness.

As their couple’s understanding of life increased, some of their basics continued. With all their studying of esoteric dimensions to life, thoughts and discussions of marriage were also an intrinsic part of their lives. Adam recognised his conflicting desire to be earthly yet wanting to be more spiritual. He also had an unrelenting thirst for more knowledge:

“Just some simpler way of living a conventional life that is not so undermined by a gnawing feeling of needing more and more knowledge.”

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CHAPTER 23                                       FIRST ONSLAUGHT                                            1753 AD

When confronted with extreme situations, we often behave differently to how we may respond in to normal situation such as Áine did:

“How ironic that she found herself extending the plan to which she had vehemently objected”.

If we only understood all the hidden, motivating forces we are subject to be they subconscious, karmic or something else. We think we are able to make free will decisions but do we? Another example surprising Áine who makes this statement and Kevan who immediately takes advantage of the slip:

“This is war and there will be casualties.” countered Áine. “It does not help to hurt them without the English realising we had perpetrated whatever it is we do. …… The English need to be aware that any such attacks were not mishaps but deliberately perpetrated by the Irish.”

Pleasantly stunned at Áine’s inflammatory statement, Kevan quickly continued,

“Ideally we need to hit senior army personnel that disrupts their chain of command and yes it must be ascribed to us.”

Kevan too contemplated his dedicated path of violence:

Intermittently Kevan would wonder whether his hatred for the English could ricochet back on him, wounding or even kill him. He had quietly declared war on their oppressors and was continuously planning insurrections to hit them wherever they were vulnerable. But what if he was caught? And worse, what if Áine was implicated? His love for her found such an option untenable but then he would continue to justify his commitment to himself by saying this was fair revenge for the atrocious killing of her parents.

Inadvertently slipping into the undercurrent of violent events, Áine’s traditional resistance was somehow overturned in the heat of the moment. Kevan questioned his actions privately to himself but would justify maintaining his stance with Áine. We all find ourselves the product of inexplicable whims, which we often regret afterwards. Is this free will or some hidden, prior behavioural programming of which we are unaware?

Ruins (3)


Dreco daughter of Calcmael son of Cartan, son of Connath
was a druidess and a female rhymer, and by her was prepared
a poisonous liquor for Fergus Redside’s four and twenty sons,
so that they all died of it; and the place at which they
perished bears the name Nem-thenn ‘strong poison’.

Rennes Dindshenchas (early Irish literature on myths and folklore)

The quote was chosen because of its parallels to the poisoning of the English garrison.

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CHAPTER 24                                         NOBLE ROBE                                                     1253 AD

Most people with a religious belief or inclination follow their path to Spirit through its wisdom and dictates. The more covert ones such as Sylvan and Fey’s pursuit of the Mother Earth Goddess was difficult to research but between the Internet and occult book sections of libraries and book shops, there is adequate material available. Prayer and calling on forces or entities which may be familiar like angels is a common theme running through probably all religions. This chapter merely gives an insight to another set of beliefs.

Lush Carran countryside

Lush Carran countryside


The circle keeps negative,
uninvited spirits or energy out
and contains positive energy
so that it can build up on itself.

– Selene Silverwind, The Everything Paganism Book

Fey is learning about pagan rituals. This quote explains the purpose of a circle.

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CHAPTER 25                                            THE TRAP                                              1745 AD

Just a straight forward description of the ambush.

Ruins (6)


Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

– Alfred Lord Tennyson, The Charge of the Light Brigade

Tennyson’s famous poem about the futile deaths of cavalry at the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War.

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CHAPTER 26                                  THE RUINED RUNE RING                            1253 AD

The ring is a conspicuous example of synchronicity as it follows the all key people maintaining its presence in their lives. Adam even tells the priestess from whom he obtains the ring that it was not merely by chance that he stumbled upon it.

Cliffs of Mohar, O'Brien fort and Arran Islands

Cliffs of Mohar, O’Brien fort and Arran Islands


The rune  Rune F is called Ansuz.

In healing it helps guilt.
For those who seek to heal situations from
the past, for what was done or left undone,
this Rune counsels you to open your heart and act.

– R. Blum & B. Jones, Relationship Runes

The powerful Rune ring has entered their lives. It will assist Fey on many levels including healing.

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CHAPTER 27                                     MILITARY ENGAGEMENT                                     1754 AD

The dichotomy of physical life as distinct from the spiritual side is again highlighted here. The Defender’s conspiracy perpetrates another lethal engagement of the English enemy. Our lives are filled with conflicting opposites challenging us to make choices which can be animalistic or higher whereby we seek to separate our ego and temptations to follow a more difficult and noble path. With multiple incarnations through these experiences we gravitate away from baser ones to being more pious.  Kevan is conflicted by his understanding about the ramifications of violence, Áine reminding him of this in no uncertain terms. But he relapses repeatedly by succumbing to the temptation of attacking the enemy. Another graphic description of their base actions irrespective of how justifiable they may be considered.

Stone wall and tree


So now to conclude and finish, as I think ’tis nearly time
And all the gallant Irishmen together should unite
Together should assemble and gather all you can
And have another ambush soon, to fight the Black and Tans!
The Ambush at Rineen by Tom Lenihan of Knockbrack

Similar ambushes to the one carried out by the Defenders of the English continued over the centuries as long as they remained as occupiers of Ireland. As the brainchild of Winston Churchill, the Black and Tans were a force of primarily World War I war veterans recruited to combat the Irish Republican Army (IRA) freedom fighters.

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CHAPTER 28                                                RITUALS                                            1253 AD

Part of the descriptions of the rituals is to illustrate to the reader those of an esoteric sect’s pagan ways. All religions have ceremonies, some described as having been received from their god who commanded them to practice a particular set of rites. These rituals are used to secure adherents to the ways of the tribe. Few in the West are familiar with rituals outside of Christianity and Judaism which are the dominant religions.

In the book The Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow (p146) she describes the potency of blood and how we have been manipulated in the West to rather consider it as unclean than be able to harness its powerful properties. The activation of ring energy using menstrual blood was not some arbitrary concept but a documented procedure that is not common knowledge.

Where to buy a Claddagh ring

Where to buy a Claddagh ring in Galway


Gaine daughter of Gumor
Nurse of mead-loving mide,
Surpassed all women though she was silent;
She was learned and a seer and a Druid.

The Metrical Dindsenchas,
Book of Lencester, Eire 1160 AD.
Sylvan and Fey were also learned seers but pagan priestesses rather than Druids.

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CHAPTER 29                                                THE RUNES RING                                                1754 AD

The ring emerges again five hundred years later to return to its original owners. The challenge for Hugh Reddan was to pass on the ring’s history and his message, which would be considered quite profane if written in English. His only clue was to direct the ring’s finder to more information about its origin that had been hidden in Kilfenora.

Old stone work

Old stone work


Each one of you has been called.
Every individual soul has work to do.
None can do the work of another.
Each must do his or her own work.
Therefore, we say, accept it my child:
accept the task laid before you and
pray to Great Spirit that you may not fail.

Sayings of White Eagle

Kevan’s soul was committed to harass the English. He was also destined to find a 500 year old message for him and Áine. In those times how does one acknowledge and accept such a letter as having been written for only him? Perhaps today we may better understand and would be better able to accept our soul’s work if given such a letter.

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CHAPTER 30                                                PAGAN MOONLIGHT                                      1253 AD

Fey’s considers herself as a conduit to bring blessings from the Earth Goddess to the lands. She did not consider herself to be directly responsible through her energies and efforts to produce these blessings.

“Do you actually feel her or the Goddess and know they are not your words?” Adam asked.

“Not really that specific as I am sure I also contribute to what words emerge. It is more of an intuitive feeling that I am not trying to block the Mother Goddess by tainting prayers with any of my earthly beliefs whenever She wishes to feed me the right prayers. It is a melding of our endeavours to invoke appropriate requests to the Great Mother so She will find our pleas in good favour.

The untimely passing of the Abbot was a warning from a higher level to be more diligent.

Pagan Moonlight

Pagan Moonlight


We saw men haying far off in the meadow,
their heads waving like the grass which they cut.
In the distance the wind seemed to bend all alike.

Henry D. Thoreau 1817-1862
Naturalist and author.

The poetic description by Thoreau of fields of grass mirrors the environment in which Fey and Sylvan are working.

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CHAPTER 31                                            CHARMS                                            1754 AD

Background information on the rune ring and its apparent connection to them arouses intense interest in this clandestine world. Artemis understands the appearance of the ring is synchronous and tries to guide them towards discovering why. Whatever forces led Kevan to the ring continued to operate in leading them on to Kilfenora.

These events stimulate Áine’s new awareness of other potential forces that can be harnessed to protect Kevan’s dangerous endeavours. These drive her to explore occultist techniques she has managed to find and experiment with spells which would hopefully afford Kevan protection from the enemy.

Engraved stone for protection

Engraved stone for protection

Áine’s interest and involvement in spells originated from her previous incarnation as a curious Adam observing Fey’s paganism at arm’s length. In this lifetime, Adam as Áine was able to delve in to these practices, which is why Áine had such unrestrained enthusiasm.

For Kevan, his previous experience as Fey had satisfied his interest in such mystical practices so he was not as attracted to it. However Kevan was comfortable in receiving the engraved stone from Áine to hopefully protect him during their next planned attack on the English.


“Destiny doesn’t mean that your life has been predetermined.
“Therefore to leave everything to fate and to not actively contribute
to the music of the universe is a sign of sheer ignorance.
“The music of the universe is all-pervading and it is composed on forty different levels.
“Your destiny is the level where you will play your tune.
“You might not change your instrument but how well you play is entirely in your hands”.

Tams of Tabriz. The Forty Rules of Love. Elif Shafak

A chapter of destiny manifesting. How much is fated to be and how much can be altered by free will is up to you: “… how well you play (the tune of life) is entirely in your hands”.

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CHAPTER 32                                                  BELTANE                                           1253 AD

Finally the fear of being caught that had simmered inside Adam from the moment he learned of Fey’s desire to become a pagan priestess becomes a reality. This was their latent destiny waiting to be fulfilled followed by a set of extreme challenges for the couple. Their responses would determine the primary aspects of their subsequent incarnation together as Áine and Kevan.

Karmically people who commit murder as Adam effectively did of a Fey even if she was a willing participant, will carry extreme balancing forces into a subsequent lifetime. Similarly people who murder themselves – Fey willingly drinking the poison – have a substantial energy balancing to endure in a future incarnation.

Carran Church cemetry

Carran Church cemetry


Alas, when no longer into the golden distance
does my spirit hurry on dream-wings,
When no more on the eternally distant stars
does my longing gaze rest.
Then the wind and the little birds
will whisper away my longing, along with my life.

Johan Brahms, Opus 91 No. 1
Giestillte Sehnsucht (When I Yearn no More)

Fey’s departing spirit ‘on dream-wings’… whispered away her longing for life.

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CHAPTER 33                                   KILFENORA ARCHIVES                               1754 AD

The powers directing Áine and Kevan take them to the message lying concealed for five hundred years. It was waiting only for them. At that time there was elementary cryptology and it would have been difficult to find something appropriate. Geoffrey Chaucer lived around that time and he developed his own symbols to be able to write secret messages. The message in the diagram needed encoding in Chaucer’s symbols to then be written on handmade paper to create the message in the picture.

In their subsequent assessment of the additional message Kevan has noticed similarities between their lives and those of Fey and Adam. But as we all know, virtually everyone has no recall of their past lives, which could help us understand our purpose and direct our paths in the optimal direction. Sometimes we receive a hint as did Áine and Kevan but no more than that. This highlights how we too are effectively unable to tap into these historical past life records which would then explain so many events in our lives. Kevan verbalises their dilemma:

“Let us consider two extremes again. Yes there is some as yet undetermined connection. Alternatively there is none. If the latter, well this has merely been an interesting exercise. If the former, is it destined irrevocably or do we actually have some choice or choices?”

500 year old message in Chaucer's cryptic alphabet

500 year old message in Chaucer’s cryptic alphabet


“For Those Who Believe,
No Words Are Necessary
For Those Who Do Not Believe,
No Words Are Possible.”
Saint Ignatius of Loyale

How does one believe that this message written 500 years ago was destined for them? If Fey with her esoteric teachings had received this message she would have embraced it but without the same background, it was more difficult for Áine and Kevan to accept it as their destiny.

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CHAPTER 34                                        CANDLES                                              1253 AD

Because of his intense love for Fey, Adam’s only solution to escape the Abbot’s retribution is to help her commit suicide then join her. This action imposes extreme karmic debt upon his soul, which he willingly does again (after murdering Fey) without understanding its full ramifications.

Beautiful Carran wood tarnished by Adam and Fey's death

Beautiful Carran wood tarnished by Adam and Fey’s death


Tailtiu daughter of Magmór was the wife of Eochu the Rough son of Dua the Dark.
’Tis she that asked her husband to clear away for her the Wood of Cúan,
so that there might be an assembly around her grave.
And after that she died on the calends of August,
and her lamentation and funeral games were held by Lugaid.
The Prose Tales in the Rennes Dindshenchas

Similarities in the quote are the “assembly around her grave” and the “lamentation” by the gathered villagers.

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CHAPTER 35                                      THE TAVERN                                 1754 AD

Chronologically it is time for the tavern episode with which the book opened. Later Áine realises she may have induced Kevan’s momentary insanity with her protective spell and charm. Such subtleties invariably escape us and only upon subsequent examination we may realise this. It was a repeat of Adam and Fey’s challenge. Should Kevan kill Áine in the explosion without knowing it was a potential karmic test after Fey / Kevan had been killed by Adam / Áine? Perhaps Kevan’s lesson was learnt in the aftermath of the blast though his horror at what he had caused. His emotions were so extreme that they tapped into his past life memories which filtered through to him. The product of all these inputs, actions and emotions was that Áine was not killed and the couple were able to change direction of their path thereby paying off their karmic debt.

Old taverns from 1596 and 1649

Old taverns from 1596 and 1649

GavEmma 015


And they shall burn your houses and execute judgments upon you
Ezekiel 16:41

Every important building he burned down
Jeremiah 52:13

Biblical wrath on the building with Kevan as the instrument of destruction!

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CHAPTER 36                                             IN THE WAKE                                  1253 AD

Sylvan’s guilt was expressed by her thoughts:

Was it all designed to merely bring calamity upon the Reddans? Was it something she did unknowingly or carelessly, or was this inevitable, an ordained outcome decreed by the Mother for reasons unbeknown to Sylvan? Was she merely an instrument or just an innocent bystander whose good intentions had inadvertently gone awry?

Once again we are unaware of what our karma has in store for us. Would the lesson be learnt if we circumvented some terrible event we had contracted to have? Therefore perhaps in the paradigm of mankind, we will never know what our karma is and just have to make the most of difficult challenges knowing only that there is a purpose for everything.

Beautiful Eire marred by historical tragedies

Beautiful Eire marred by historical tragedies


I shall live beyond death, I shall sing in your ears.
Even after the vast sea-wave carries me back
To the vast sea-depth.
I shall sit at your board though without a body,
and I shall go with you to your fields, a spirit invisible.
I shall come to you at your fireside, a guest unseen.
Death changes nothing but the mask that covers our faces.
The Garden of the Prophet, Kahlil Gibran

A reassurance that physical death does not mean the end of existence of a person. Relevant for Sylvan to help her grief after the death of Fey and Adam.

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CHAPTER 37                                               SAD & GLAD TIDINGS                                 1754 AD

Some life contracts embody incidents that are so far from our normal daily lives or what we and those close to us believe in, that their occurrences would be better explained if there was some hidden reason behind them. The Keoghs could never had predicted what Kevan had done since his life before departing to Trinity College was comparatively dull and boring with no hint of him becoming a guerrilla.

Evidently Áine and Kevan had finally worked through their karmic debts and were able to settle down to a normal life back home.

Settling down to a placid life

Settling down to a placid life


The love you have shared is eternal
regardless of the situation.
Tale of Irish Princess Isolt &
Sir Tristan of Cornwall

Their love is eternal, from before even being Fey and Adam.

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CHAPTER 38                                        THE CAVE OF CREATION                              A time of no time

This unusual description is from documented teachings. Apparently every moment of our existences in this physical world is saved in crystals far below the earth’s crust each time we die. These are called our akashic records. We assess our life each time we return to the spirit world and in consultation, plan the next ones based on our accomplishments and what needs to be learned or balanced going forward. Kryon describes this process and place:

What happens when you die physically? That’s easy – you return to the dust of the planet. What more do you want to know? Corporeal? Easy. That’s just part of the Gaia process. But let me tell you about the moment of transition. You lose three ounces of something that no one knows about. The three ounces is quantum information. It’s the quantum part of your spiritual core, everything that ever was of you, and it doesn’t go up, it goes down. It goes back to the Cave of Creation and beyond. …. Your spirit comes home, but not your Akashic Record. It stays on the planet because the planet owns it….. And when you take your first breath (again), you pick up something. You pick up all of the soul energy from the Cave of Creation …. That is called Akashic inheritance. ….

Some of these references have been listed for anyone wishing to research this further.


Then spoke a voice, mighty and solemn saying:
“These are the lights that are souls among men,
growing and fading, existing forever,
Changing yet living, through death into life”
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Tablet II: the Halls of Amenti

Complex ancient information which states “…souls ….exist(ing) forever”. One of the many references with insights into what the tablets physically are plus their meaning and translation may be found on many web sites such as The teachings are reputed as being the oldest (mystical) works in existence.


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CHAPTERS 1 & 2:                     MASADA & THE FINAL ACT OF DEFIANCE                   72 AD

The heroic stance of the Zealots against the Romans, besieged on a mountain plateau in the Negev Desert for three years has been remember for centuries. Their bravery and final act of defiance by dying as free men is a rare event in the annals of history. The courage of Zealots continued to be shown by Alisha with her confident delivery of their final message to the cruel and powerful Imperial Legate Flavius Silva. Neither of them knew that they had requested this brief meeting from the other side of the veil, having been lovers together across many lifetimes and would continue to do so many more times in the future.

Alisha brought with an appropriate confidence forged in her prior incarnations in a manner suitable to secure Silva’s attention and manipulate him into releasing her. The lifetimes of love Silva had for Alisha also seeped through enabling him to be more accommodating and compassionate towards here at this time of his hollow victory.

Silva’s brutal incarnation was deliberately planned to explore the dark side in a Universe of Duality. It was not a retrograde step but one that had been karmicaly planned.


We were born free men.
We lived as free men.
We will die as free men.
– Final statement of defiance to
the Romans by Jewish Zealots.

These powerful words speak for themselves and require no additional clarification.


Eleazar ben Yair:

You say you will catch us,
and kill us? I invite you to try.

Cornelius Flavius Silva:

You invite me to try?
…. your temple has been destroyed
and most of the survivors are slaves……
Give us our due, man, we know how to kill.
– Masada 1981 TV mini-series

While no conversation was likely to have occurred between ben Yair and Silva, the words capture the Zealots defiance and the Roman’s cruelty.

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CHAPTER 3:                                             MARAUDING MAGYARS                                1042 AD

Again Condor’s Eye’s experience was harnessed for the responsible role he undertook in this incarnation. Adept in planning as he did with his clan’s for confrontation with a superior  army of Indians to save the region from plunder and conquest, again he succeeding in protecting Styria from the Magyar’s attempted invasion.

Chapter 3 epigrams:

I am prepared for the worst,
but hope for the best.
– Benjamin Disraeli

Shmoh’el was told by the Count to prepare for possible raids, which he did with cunning innovation while ‘hoping for the best’ that they would not be attacked.

The best way to predict
your future is to create it.
– Abraham Lincoln

Anticipating a possible assault, Shmoh’el created a potential future whereby the region would survive.


CHAPTER 4:                               THE AFTERMATH                                          1043 AD

Chapter 4 epigram:

He who knows other men is discerning;
he who knows himself is intelligent.
He who overcomes others is strong;
he who overcomes himself is mighty.
He who is satisfied with his lot is rich;
he who goes on acting with
energy has a (firm) will.
– Tao Te Ching by Lao Tze

A succinct description by Lao Tze of the type of man Shmoh’el was .


CHAPTER 5:                THE TOT GLASS                         1809 AD

As explained in the section headed ‘RECENT PARADIGM SHIFT IN HUMANITY’ at the end of Maya, although humankind was still able to perpetrate unspeakable acts, other aspects of life on earth had become easier due to humankind’s accumulation of knowledge. This and later lifetimes other than in times of war were less extreme than when we were more primitive. This incarnation therefore had both a milder life in general but the horrific experiences of pogrom attacks by the Cossacks.

Chapter 5 epigram:

… Cossacks were
the conquistadors of Eurasia,
a legendary class of horsemen,
warriors and explorers.
…when Manchus got wind of a Cossack advance,
their first response was to evacuate all the women.
-The Tiger by John Vaillant

Everyone knew of the Cossacks’ modus operandi, even the Manchus as described by John Vaillant. Therefore they would also perpetrate the same heinous deed to the women of Raseiniai in Lithuania.


CHAPTER 6: STRANDLOOPER              900 BC

Northern side of Seal Peninsula

By 900 BC how many lives could people have had? What experiences would then determine their persona, abilities and karma? This trilogy had to start somewhere and Tsitsi’s incarnation was its entry point. We therefore must assume many of his skills including leadership and bravery (in confronting the leopard) were the product of prior lifetime experiences. The chapter commences by describing the environment and how early man must have lived. In spite of it being considered primitive by today’s standards, our Homo sapien forefathers were no less intelligent than we are today. Until recently there has not been any DNA advancement within our species since it first appeared so although the accumulated knowledge of humankind was a trivial fraction of what we know today, their intelligence was not less than ours. We can therefore assume they were capable of complex reasoning and had involved relationships with their peers. Yuval Harari’s book Sapiens gives one enormous insight into our origins and is a worthwhile read for people interested in our social evolution.

Southern side with Gull Island

Tsitsi was being groomed as a leader, as was seen in Condor’s Eye and other lifetimes described in Maya. By carrying experiences forward in our Akash, we are able to hone and develop skills without being consciously aware of it.

The colony of seals (north side)


But ask now of the beasts,
and they shall teach thee;
and the fowls of the air,
and they shall tell thee;
Or speak to the earth,
and it shall teach thee;
and the fishes of the sea
shall declare unto thee.
– Job 12:7

Since the Strandloopers lived off the land, they need to comprehend nature intimately. Job describes how we need to watch and listen to the beasts, fowls and fishes to understand them sufficiently to live in harmony with them. Only then could we utilize them as a food resource and survive attacks, poisons and other dangers such as the weather. Few people today have the skills to live off the land, which we no longer need in terms of the feeding and safety infrastructures we have created over hundreds and thousands of years.



Tibetan sand mandala

Many Karmic events are orchestrated so subtly that it is not possible to discern them in action superficially. If Kumala and Tenzing were destined to be together, the first catalyst was her abhorrence when still little Mai Ling, of being subjected to the excruciating foot binding practice causing her to run away. Then as Chin Ho, Tenzing followed her so they would remain together. Their abilities seeping through from their Akashes and the synchronicity recognized by priest Yeshe were further factors that enabled them to be accepted in the monastery.


The secret to living
well and longer
is to eat half,
walk double,
laugh triple and
love without measure
– Tibetan proverb

Excellent advice reflecting typical Tibetan philosophy and therefore pertinent to the chapter.



When Labrang Monastery was attacked, Kumala and Tenzing’s experiences from previous incarnations in surviving life threatening situations had groomed them to be adept at the Lion’s Roar form of martial art. While most of the people in the monastery perished, the couple were destined for more adventures and easily coped with the attack by bandits. The first opportunity their escape created was for the forever lovers to again consummate their eternal love on the earth plane. The second opportunity resulting from the Chinese assault enabled them to create a Shambhala commune in Dream Valley. As explained in the text, the couple were to facilitate the spiritual growth of the people who joined them.


The Tao doesn’t take sides;
it gives to both good and evil.
– Tao Te Ching

Today teachings about creating one’s reality explain how the thoughts we have are what we manifest. This is irrespective of whether they are good or evil, happy or sad, ecstatic or depressed, rich or poor, lonely or loved. Yet this was already understood two and a half thousand years ago when the Tao was written.



While Kumala and Tenzing’s life in the monastery were as ideal as it could be for monks and nuns, this period expanded their world into an exciting one of exploration, creativity, adventure and love. Kumala was living out her dream based on the spiritual base she had learnt not only in the monastery, but from many of her previous incarnations. This included that aspect of her karmic contract whereby her and Tenzing would be teaching spiritual values to their compatriots.


With little importance, I have few desires;
I crave not for objective and subjective things;
Thus, I can untie Nirvana’s knots.
– The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa

A poetic reflection of Buddha’s teachings. In particular, that one must be without desire for want causes disappointment and yearning. To be liberated one cannot crave things and only then can one attain paradise (Nirvana.)



The period of tranquility was short lived and in accordance with a higher plan. The events seeding of discontentment among the other community members were encoded into their DNA and the clock had reached the appropriate hour. Seeking more people for the valley was merely the mechanism whereby other karmic events would commence, namely their group form of death.

Kumala’s thoughts during her ordeal pondered why she should be undergoing such a heinous experience. Alisha had escaped the group death on Masada and now as Kumala, she was to have the experience. But without access to past life events, we never know why things may happen while we are on the earth plane. We only know that the cruel fate of everyone in the group was the product of individual karmic events from previous lives that were now being balanced. All the members of Dream Valley had contracted to endure this experience before incarnating and then fulfilled their destiny, their kismet.


The highest art is the art of living an
ordinary life in an extraordinary manner.
– Tibetan Proverb

One good punch on your enemy’s nose,
gives more pleasure than hearing well
meaning advice from your elders.
– Tibetan Proverb

More wise thoughts from Tibet.


CHAPTER 11: THE PIONEER        1855 AD

Incarnations were becoming more mundane in terms of physical survival as humankind evolved into increasingly complex social structures that protected the rights of individuals in fast growing societies. People had better protection from laws, general health was improving, there were less wars, and increasing agricultural knowledge was better able to feed larger groups . People were therefore able to focus on different aspects of their lives, which did not relieve karmic obligations. These new objectives were to enable humankind to develop more love and compassion, eventually understanding better the relationship between thoughts and our reality.

While Israel and Matla’s life appeared to be relatively simple and primarily uneventful existence, the shift in focus was on relationships and new trends for humanity were being set. As usual, one needs to dig deeper and step back to realize that there is a greater plan unfolding. Relatively mundane and apparently boring lives shift the paradigm in which we live as in the case of these pioneers who were building a new country with values that would transcend existing ones such as those that Dawoud upheld. Such forerunners introducing new trends will repeat the same type of innovative shifts during consecutive incarnations in the norms and beliefs of societies paving the way for improvements in how humankind behaves towards each other and the realities we create.


Our coping mechanism reverts
to our primitive instinct
that is eons away from the
incredible ability of our Higher Self.
It is through our struggles and
deep realities that we open our heart
and when we do, we remember
(our Magnificence).
– A Journey to Remember. Joy Truscott

A reminder that when we only function from our primitive instincts, we lose touch with our Higher Self and continue to operate in a primal manner. Struggling to eke out a life in a harsh environment, Schlosberg confronted physical hardships that deprived him of the opportunity and luxury to enjoy time to be philosophical and aspire to some higher aspects of human life. As Joy Truscott explains, only when able to ponder upon our deep realities can we remember our magnificence. However his behavior still impacted on those around him in a positive manner or shifted beliefs such as those of his neighbor who found he could not simply steal land at will. Everyone within their sphere of influence would have seen the results of Dawoud’s thwarted attempts of blatant theft with some impact on each of them according to their respective beliefs and values. Indirectly Schlosberg was therefore still affecting people by his behavior rather than through being a leader again in this lifetime.



The chapter opens with a description of Joseph being a wanderlust. With many incarnations all over the planet, an old soul would be restless to move around and imbibe many diverse experiences. Joseph was also attracted back to the land as a farmer showing his more recent heritage of what was in his blood or more accurately, in his magnetic DNA.

During this lifetime there was war. Although Joseph was not directly involved, he still needed to survive. Again previous incarnation experiences left him well able to cope with the threats his family was confronted with during this period.


Judging a person does
not define who they are.
It defines who you are.
– Kristen Stewart

Poignant words applicable to every lifetime. Joseph had to remain neutral to survive and therefore not judge either side. The values we base our judgement on is a reflection of our personal beliefs and therefore indicates who we are. However as people do not like taking responsibility, we generally look outward and judge others to make us feel better. It is a fallacious way of trying to be happy and instead simply causes more misery.


CHAPTER 13: THE MURMANSK RUN        1916-1943 AD

Once again there was war. A time of extremes and the continuous pressure of survival. Having had many positions of responsibility in previous lives, this time Ernie’s incarnation continued a trend of experiencing more mundane positions. Note the Second World War was a time for enormous numbrs of people to collectgively experience what we would consider to be negative karma but is really a balancing. People were expericincing in the war what they may have inflicted on others in previous lifetimes. The Iraqui wars were partly created to enable Nazis to counter experience what they had inflicted and perpetrated in WWII.


Survival is the ability
to swim in strange water.
– Frank Herbert,
Dune series author

Herbert’s message is that survival is often in situations one did not predict. Therefore without being able to prepare for them, we need to adapt to such circumstances or die. We would then find ourselves swimming in strange waters for which were unprepared. Ernie was not swimming but sailing in strange waters.


CHAPTERS 14: ROYAL MERCHANT NAVY          1916-1943 AD

Ernie’s life before going to war may have been low on the ranks with simple needs and work position. It was not an incarnation of inspiring or leading people; just a quiet one for himself to get through this extreme period of war.

In spite of this, at the end he had sufficient courage to face the Stuka while being fired at as others remained under cover. Ernie’s valor was not new even though he was unaware of his incarnational legacy. After passing on, he remembered the purpose of various events in his lifetime and used it to assist him plan the next one.

There is a man who would give his life
to keep a life you love beside you.
– A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens

War is a time of great sacrifice and people die in the line of duty so that others may live. For Ernie’s death, it was not just for King and Country but for his girlfriend Jane’s and his parents’ lives as well.


CHAPTER 15: Orion’s Sword to Alcyone       2193 AD

The illusion of time is virtually impossible to transcend since we are so locked into it. If there is no time at a higher level, this implies all of life, its past, present and future are happening in parallel. Yet we have free will to alternate the path of our lives through time so how does that change the future if it has already happened?

Apparently an event now not only impacts on our future but adjusts aspects of our past. It is easy to repeat verbatim what is virtually impossible to understand, adding to the complexity of time and reducing our ability to understand it even further. Many of the channeled teachers try to explain the illusion of time with the added note that it is impossible to fully comprehend when living in a linear, 3rd Dimension as our experience locks us into the limitations we have in perceiving it.

This chapter then reflects what may be possible although, like so many other aspects of the mechanism of life, we have yet to master many and will never completely understand time while locked into the limitations 3D sensory inputs. The author did have this experience of seeing a right angled shift of something bright and static in the sky that suddenly moved, then abruptly disappeared. It was shortly after reading Bob Frissell’s book. Coincidence or synchronicity?


Life is not a journey to the grave
with the intention of arriving safely
in a pretty and well-preserved body.
But rather to skid in broadside,
thoroughly used up, totally
worn out and proclaiming,
“Wow, what a ride!”
— The Match, Mark Frost

A great attitude to have towards life of living it to the full. Something we all need to pursue and learn the techniques that will enable this to become normal.


Chapter 16: The Inkakuna              1420 AD

This was another incarnation for Tsitsi / Condor’s Eye as the potential king for the Incas of Peru. But change is slow when those parties in power resist transformation preferring to preserve old ways. Tsitsi therefore knew before incarnating that his impact would be to start a slow process of change that would only be applied by his son a generation later. We are currently in such a period of major change and the old guard is resisting to retain their privileges and the old ways. Syria is a current example where the minority ruling elite are decimating the masses who want freedom and democracy.

Men in Inca regalia


If you are not living on the edge,
you are taking up too much space.
You learn the most when you
are out of your comfort zone.
— Jim Whittaker

Taking up too much space is symbolic, but learning the most when out of one’s comfort zone is a truism. King Pachakútekk decided to send his son Prince Tupac out of palace comforts, to learn how hard the external world could be. During his travels, Tupac would see suffering and would therefore have to make decisions whether he wished to continue exploiting the people or seek new and innovative ways to rule them. His treatment of the thieving governor is an example of this.


Chapter 17: Bachelor Tupac            1440 AD

Colorful Inca weaver

In spite of his youth and inexperience, Tupac’s compassion and wisdom was unusual. But was it? As an old soul, he did have appropriate experience, which is why he was chosen before being born for the role as an Inca prince. These abilities seep through without us being consciously aware of where this information or knowledge comes from.

Cornucopia of Peru corns

Continuing from the previous chapter’s epigram about comfort zones, within his palace comforts, Tupac did not learn until too late that he was upsetting powerful people. He incorrectly assumed that his position made him immune from having to pander to the sentiments of people who were of lower station. Of course he was still sensitive to the poor so this does not suggest he was otherwise an insensitive person.


Through the eyes of love
Copper looks like gold
Poverty looks like riches
And tears look like pearls
— Inca proverb

Not merely a message for Incas but applicable to all lovers.


Chapter 18: Death Sentence              1451 AD

Urubamba (The Sacred Valley) below Quosqo

The epigrams underline what Tupac had not realized and ignored.


If I listen, I have the advantage.
If I speak, others have it.
— Inca proverb

Saying less than necessary is
not for kings and statesmen only.
In most areas of life, the less you say, the
more profound and mysterious you appear.
— The 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene

Viewed superficially, why should someone as intelligent as Tupac be so insensitive to members of the court when he was a sensitive person. There are deeper, karmic forces at work driving situations to be fulfilled. Tupac’s karmic mandate was not to lead a realm into a sudden shift that would then be too abrupt and therefore be rejected by many. On average, people do not embrace transformation but resist it. Not knowing whether they may be better or worse off after a change, the more common response is to prefer remaining in a familiar situation even if it is undesirable. Imagination often conjures up future scenarios as being worse so rather remain with the existing discomfort. Tupac was therefore sowing seeds of discontentment that would eventually germinate, create the desire for a new type of ruler.


Chapter 19: Royal Succession        1453–1491 AD

Tupac’s final oration before being killed reflected his beliefs and insights about the mechanism of life. On some level, this understanding had been forged over his many incarnations and therefore enabled him to confront death without the fear that many have of dying. Knowing that one has a soul that survives is reassuring, contrasting the belief that all aspects of one’s existence expire with death. People with the later belief are generally terrified of dying.

But Tupac’s vision was shared by Quilla whose determination to replace Prince then King Yupanchi with her son was fueled by her hatred for him as the instigator of her husband’s death. This continuity was driven by karmic contracts being played out so that Prince Amaru would have his father’s values and become the Inca leader whose ethics were based on his father’s original vision.


It is not the strongest
species that survive
nor the most intelligent
but the ones most
responsive to change.
— Charles Darwin

Once again the concept of how important it is to be able to change is highlighted, this time by Darwin, the person who pioneered our understanding about how species survive and evolve. With the Incas, the evolution was not physical but a social one where Tupac initiated a trend towards a more loving and compassionate society.


Chapter 20: Universal Law of Abundance

Comments in the previous chapter (Chapter 19) referred to people’s reluctance to change. Yet our growth demands this. Those that shun the opportunities presented have it thrust upon them instead. We are children, teenagers, young adults, get married, enter the work place, become parents and grandparents. Every step in our evolution requires changes and new skills to adapt making contiuous, personal change inevitable. Brand loyalty and the difficulty marketers have in affecting product substitution is another classic example of our inertia. How much more so with our beliefs, which are quite intangible, based on more esoteric concepts than physical products that we can evaluate and measure?

Embracing these laws that define the realities we create requires an acceptance that we have the power to control events in our lives. This means that our traditional beliefs must be abandoned and such changes are often too extreme as it means that one’s anchor in life must be cut loose. This implies a possible period of drifting with no specific direction until a new and probably eclectic set of values is formulated. The process of accepting responsibility for our lives is generaly clear and not vague if we choose to see it, which we generally choose not to.

However life is incredibly complicated and there is no fast tracking up an incredibly steep learning curve. The Maya trilogy is an attempt to indicate some of the mechanisms, presented in the more digestible form of a three part novel. Having come this far, Part II of Book III finally addresses the processes and procedures of life that our protagonists struggled to understand in previous lifetimes.

As stated in the text by Aaron, it would be arrogant or naïve to assume he knows everything. But be reassured that millions are realizing that positive thoughts have desirable outcomes. It is the subtleties of the process that we are trying to master, to become increasingly proficient in manifesting the desired facets of our lives. Therefore this material is both profound and elementary depending on how far one has progressed in understanding these concepts. It is worth delving into what all New Age teachers are saying, irrespective of their source (channeled, inspired or rationalized) since it is all essentailly the same. That is the encouraging part, that all the information is stating the same thing even if presented differently. Have we finally stumbled on the absolutely truth after millenium of living with our relative truths, relative to our respective religions and cultures?


Why in the world are we here?
Surely not to live in pain and fear.
— “Instant Karma,” John Lennon

No, we are no longer meant ‘to live in pain and fear.’ In the old paradigm, yes. Our feredom of choice took us down roads of inflicting ‘pain and fear’ on others, that we therefore needed to subsequently experience oursleves so we would realise that the Godly good and loving options are the preferred ones. But now with the shift upon us accompanied by an increasing understanding, we can liberate ourselves from the ‘pain and fear’ inflicted by karma.


Chapter 21: Reincarnation

The many strange and bizarre statements in the text do have substance and are not the product of some vivid imagination. In1987 half a percent of the world’s population were considered to be spiritual, which was the critical number for humanity to transition (over a period of two to three generations) to a higher dimension. This was apparently a collective decision by people’s higher selves and has been stated by many disparate, channeled sources. The impact of this for humankind has already become evident with the enormous changes happening on the planet. Social changes, technological advancements, climatic and other physical changes of earth (earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, floods, fires and other upheavals.) These changes are part of a shift to adjust our planet to the new paradigm that commenced in 1987. The population was then 5 bilion so there were 250,000,000 people on the planet considered to be sufficiently spiritual for the target tally.

Believing all this new this information is challenging. What about the concept of reincarnation? In the West it has gained enormous traction in recent times and explains those questions like why good things happen to bad people or vice versa. It seems that Karma is behind it all and forms the cornerstone of the trilogy. It is up to each reader whether they want to believe any of this material. And if you do, this is an exciting new world to explore that can accelerate you into the emerging new paradigm for humanity.


With what strife and pains
we come into the world, we know not,
but ’tis commonly no easy matter to get out of it.
— Religio Medici, Sir Thomas Browne, 1642

A self explanatory statement. It is not easy to exit life although in theory, we have free will and can take our own lives, which very few do. Instead we may endure many things where we long for death as a release but persevere, allowing nature to take its course.

You came here for a reason
which is, for the most, part unknown to you.
Your purpose is to discover your purpose
during the course of living your life.
— Love and Surrender, Gina Lake

This apparently contradicts statements by Neale Donald Walsch (author of the Conversations With God trilogy) in a subsequent book entitled ‘God’s Message to the World: You’ve Got Me All Wrong.’  It states that we are not born with some destiny that God expects us to fulfill. Rather that we must create a destiny for ourselves. Probing for some deeper explanation or layer to explain this, we are (re)born with some karmic intent that we have agreed to experience. It is self imposed and not an obligation. On that basis we do need to discover what contracts we have incarnated with to experience so we can more fully exploit each life opportunity.

Gina Lake’s source of amazing information is worth checking out on her web site:


Chapter 22: Skepticism

Are you are skeptic? Are you wondering whether to read on? For those wishing to embrace change, this trilogy was designed to be a short-cut in an easier-to-read novel rather than formal text book on the subjects of reincarnation, karma and creating our realities through thoughts and beliefs. Those readers who are not skeptical or merely marginally curious will probably continue to read on while just considering the content to be yet another set of theories about life. For the skeptics, as these concepts become more mainstream (which they already are,) remember where you first came across them. The mechanism requires no action but only to change the manner in which one thinks. Therefore there is little lose but much to gain if it really works. And it does. But it is alright to be a skeptic since the gap between what we have traditionally learnt to believe and what is being revealed is quite vast. Persevere!


I have yet to meet a man who,
on observing his own faults,
blamed himself!
— Confucius

Confucius’ comment still holds today. However if people realize that whatever their faults may be are of their own doing, one has to take responsibility. That is one of the reasons people would rather remain skeptical and not accept responsibility for everything happening in their lives.

The false self exists as thoughts about yourself, while
the true self exists as the experience you are having.
Ego-originated thoughts put you at the center of the universe and
make the universe about you instead of you being the universe.
— Love and Surrender, Gina Lake

More from Gina Lake. A similar message but stated with more depth. Note the words about the experience you are having. These were created by your true self and not the false one that beguiles you into believing otherwise.

Did you check who Gina’s source of inspiration is from on her website as recommended at the end of the previous chapter? This may be the additional incentive necessary to finally accept the veracity of the concepts presented in Maya.


Chapter 23: Pitfalls

As Aaron said: This is what we are all trying to master. The path is laden with pitfalls and in particular, the Abraham YouTube sessions are all about people’s beliefs that inadvertently result into them falling into a pit of frustration (i.e. the pit-falls we experience) and even despair when unable to easily master the techniques. Abraham repeatedly says we are sloppy thinkers without adequate focus to remain on a ‘straight and narrow’ path of being happy, enjoying life and creating what we want at will. We are too comfortable with discomfort believing we are strong and therefore able to endure. The result is us persevering with ongoing thoughts that do not serve our best interest.


Follow your bliss, and the universe
will open doors for you where
there were only walls.
— Joseph Campbell, 1904–1987
Literature Professor

Without understanding universal laws such as the Law of Abundance, Campbell understood the power of one’s thoughts and feelings. Following one’s bliss implies one needs to shift into such a state of thinking and feeling of those types of thoughts to manifest into your reality.

When the lesson comes to you,
they are filled with free choice.
You can play the victim or the victor.
— Kryon

Here is another important lesson that emphasizes that we have free will. This in turn implies that what we believe and consequently think will be manifested.


Chapter 24: Ancient Teachings

A common question is why are these techniques are only being revealed now? This chapter shows this belief is not true as they have been known for not centuries but millennia. Why were they lost? Because dictators, religious and other governing institutions want(ed) to control their subjects, followers and whoever they wish(ed) to dominate. These techniques give individuals a freedom few even dream of. This is now the opportunity to embrace our freedom by practicing the techniques being taught by the various masters.


There was never yet an uninteresting life.
Such a thing is an impossibility.
Inside of the dullest exterior, there is
a drama, a comedy, and a tragedy.
— Mark Twain

All of us have unique lives, some more extreme than others. The extent is determined by one’s karmic carry over from previous lives and what one needs to accomplish and experience during this one. The new paradigm is liberating us from these contracts that have been locking us into a predetermined destiny or kismet. Mark Twain apparently sought supposedly boring people to confirm such a person actually existed. By the time he had asked about their life experiences, beliefs, hopes and desires, he found without exception, someone who was apparently boring was really interesting if not fascinating. What a miracle! That there should be over 8 billion different people on the planet. And none of us are boring.


Chapter 25: Fact or Science Fiction?

Dr. Joe Dispenza has been a boon to establishing the credibility of these teachings by performing scientific measurements of physical changes in the brain and body during meditation, visualizations and other esoteric methods being taught. Not only has this presented the skeptics with tangible, repeatable scientifically determined proof, Dispenza has used it to improve techniques and experiments to find new ones. If one described the world today to someone 2000 years ago, then 1000, 500, 100 and even 50 years ago, we would seem to be magicians or gods with the abilities we have in the world that we can now created. What will it be like in 10, 100 and 1000 years from now? Tomorrow’s science fiction becomes commonplace in a future today. Pioneers are working on mastering our reality creation at will with unlimited abundance available and is the transition we are now exploring to make magic become ordinary. Eventually everyone will follow. Are you an early adopter, a follower or a late participant?


Someday you’ll awaken with a new kind of Akash, and
you’ll remember what you did before that worked.
This means that you won’t make the same
mistakes that you made this time.
Instead, you’ll be a new human.
This planet has never seen
anything like it before,
— Kryon Live Channeling:
“The Great Escape,” 2017
Boston, MA

Kryon is confirming that things are changing for us. His teachings are extremely exciting by indicating some of the wonders we can expect to become part of humanity’s existence.


Chapter 26: Challenging Age-Old Beliefs

Continuing with the challenges we have to embrace major changes, this chapter endeavors to add further persuasive proofs as to why we should modify our set of beliefs and try a new approach to life. Since these techniques only require one to alter our thoughts to ones more positive, people have nothing to lose and so much to gain.


There is no traced-out path
to lead man to his salvation;
he must constantly invent his own path.
But to invent it, he is free, responsible,
without excuse, and every hope lies within him.
— Jean-Paul Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre is reminding one that it is our responsibility to invent their own path and not rely on God, chance, luck or whatever one may be believe in. Therein lies both the responsibility and the hope for a better life.


Chapter 27: Doubts

How surprising that anyone could have doubts! Well rather how real since we are constantly challenged and often do not know what options are optimal for us (this is a whole other discussion about how to notice the signs from our Inner Selves with its continuous hints of guidance.) Aaron admits that as he has his own doubts, he feels unworthy to continue leading his group. But his compatriots, sharing the same vicissitudes, challenge his expectations to be perfect and rather be more accepting of himself.

John Kehoe who is mentioned in this chapter has progressed substantially since his original Mind Power work about thirty decades ago. His latest book Quantum Warrior and workshops address much of the material considered in these discussions and is an excellent follow up for anyone who did the Mind Power course.


Curing is what Western medicine does by using drugs
and physical interventions such as surgery.
Healing is shamanic, whereby through transformation,
people change so they are able to heal themselves and
change other undesirable aspects of their lives.
— A Shaman’s Miraculous Tools for Healing,
Alberto Villoldo, PhD

Villoldo helps people change their beliefs and hence their thoughts and emotions. Healing follows as a consequent of the new vibration one attains by learning how to believe in the miraculous healing powers of one’s body. The same principles apply once again to this type of life changing and even life saving event.


Chapter 28: Match Bearers

The gist of this chapter is to emphasize how each and every one of us should quietly try to improve ourselves. There is no need to be missionaries, preaching new concepts vociferously. Instead by quiet example, others will be curious as to why we are happier, more successful, tolerant and content with life. Wanting the same for themselves, their inevitable curiosity will attract them to your light and way. But it needs not be the blinding light of a lighthouse. A simple match is enough. As Kryon says, there is not enough darkness in the universe to suppress the light of a single match. And that is all we need to do. Be match bearers.


How different the same event can be from a another perspective. We can confront inevitable or forced change as an end to a life we considered comfortable or merely endurable. Or we can embrace our metamorphosis with excitement and impatience.

Love is always patient and kind;
love is never jealous;
love is not boastful or conceited;
it is never rude and never seeks its own advantage;
it does not take offence or store up grievances.
Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing
but finds joy in the truth.
It is always ready to make allowances, to trust,
to hope, and to endure whatever comes.
Love never comes to an end.
— 1 Corinthians 13

One of the biggest problems in relationships is intolerance. Over two thousand years ago these wise words explained how love can transcend many traditional negatives from intolerance to jealousy, ego, conceit and grievances. Instead one will be truthful, trusting and endure whatever challenges the relationship may be confronted with. And of course “Love never comes to an end.”


Chapter 29: Reviving Enthusiasm

It is all about being resilient, bouncing back and not allowing setbacks to create despondency that crush one. The first step is to uncover what set of thoughts and beliefs took one into a downward spiral so they can be avoided and ended. An understanding can then assist one’s ability to change and avoid the negativity that results in unwanted manifestations. It is important to be intolerant about living with less than one wants and continuously strive for the ideal.


Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others
or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope,
and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy
and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep
down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
― Robert F. Kennedy, Cape Town, June 6, 1966

While Robert Kennedy’s message was to inspire hope within South Africa during the era of apartheid, underlying this is the mechanism he promoted. This was how a ripple of hope, in other words a new belief, which would help lift the vibration of a low energy situation so it would eventually result in a new and more favorable one. It is one of the two speeches inscribed on his memorial in Arlington Cemetary.

Do not judge me by my success.
Judge me by how many
times I fell down and
got back up again.
— Nelson Mandela,
Cape Town, 1996

The man who orchestrated the transition that freed South Africa from apartheid was Nelson Mandela. He uplifted blacks and whites alike so that there was a collective vibration creating the new reality that took South Africa into a true democracy without a civil war. Whether it is one person or one nation, these universal laws are equally applicable. Try to remain enthusiastic about being able to change irrespective of any situation.


Chapter 30: A Life of Maya

Why should there be so much illusion about the false reality in which we are beginning to find ourselves? There must be an objective for some higher intelligence that wishes to play with us in this manner. The explanations are complex and beyond the few words assigned to this chapter. But there is a reason and as we make progress in spiritual growth as the human race, reasons are revealed making the purpose of the maya or illusion of life more apparent. Some examples of how fake our existence is are cited in the chapter. But as we have agreed to be part of the illusion, we need to play the game according to its rules. Since we are finally reaching the end of this phase of humankind’s growth, books like this trilogy plus the other vectors of teachings reaching people at this time are facilitating our shift into the new paradigm. They all contribute to lifting the planet’s vibration and the rate of progress is dependent on how fast we adequately raise it, to be able to move into the next phase of humankind.


Dream as if you’ll live forever.
Live as if you’ll die tomorrow.
— James Dean

Without dreams, we cannot generate desires of what we wish to bring into our reality.
Live now as though tomorrow does not exist. Otherwise you will wait for some improved tomorrow that you hope will be better than today and miss actually being here at this moment.

Oh, what a beautiful mornin’!
Oh, what a beautiful day!
I’ve got a beautiful feelin’
everything’s goin’ my way!
— Oklahoma!, Rodgers and Hammerstein

As the masters tell us, it is the feeling, the emotion that energizes thoughts into reality. The words of this song should be sung be everyone on rising every morning to ensure we set ourselves up for such a day.


Chapter 31: Veracity

The question as to whether these theories are true come up repeatedly. Without embracing them, no one can commit to following a life of self creation based merely on one’s thoughts. So wherever possible anyone and anything that may endorse these laws and methods have been presented to assist a reader in considering a transition if they are not already on the path.


Go confidently in the
direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined.
— Henry Thoreau

One hundred and fifty years ago Thoreau was advocating these laws. As was explained in Chapter 24 (Ancient Teachings,) this knowledge has been around a long time.

Life is not a problem to be solved
but a mystery to be lived.
— Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Bhagwan who was later known as Osho would always provoke stimulating thought with his statements. We are living the mystery of life and are making exciting inroads into its mechanism.


Chapter 32: Patience Rewarded?

As was stated, anything complex worth having or mastering takes time and perseverance. How many people can make the commitment to the effort necessary to become proficient masters of one’s reality? Only then when one has the determination to keep going after failures can one finally expect to be rewarded with success.


Life begins at the end
of your comfort zone.
— Conversations with God,
Neale Donald Walsch

A truism that needs no explanation. And since it was another message revealed during his conversations with God, what else could it be?

The past is a foreign country;
they do things differently there.
— L. P. Hartley, 1895–1972

Another truism. If we are on a journey of change, the past would be sufficiently different to be considered a foreign country. Leslie Poles Hartley CBE was a British novelist and short story writer.


Chapter 33: Recapitulation

Having reached the end of the sessions, it was interesting and important to see what each person had obtained from them. It was a reinforcing exercise as well since repetition and clarity were both important to entrench the information learned and ensure it was correctly understood.


You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
— “Desiderata,” Max Ehrmann

Powerful and beautiful words, which we must all heed. It is our lack of self-worth that can make us feel less than this but it is all true.

If you know me based on who I was
a year ago, you don’t know me at all.
My growth game is strong.
Allow me to reintroduce myself.
— Unknown

An uplifting and positive statement from someone who is growing strongly.


Chapter 34: Whither To Next?

Is there truly a Cave of Creation? Are their entities that assist in helping us define the contracts of each incarnation called Lords of Karma? There are texts where this information comes from so it is not some figment of the author’s imagination. All the statements in this unusual chapter have credible sources. Like any religion all it takes is belief.


Deeper meaning of aloha:
To consciously manifest life
joyously in the present.
— Curby Rule

Wherever one looks, the same information is there.
Humankind is programmed to seek so whoever we are, wherever we are, whatever we are, we have and will continue to probe the true meaning of existence.

                                                             ADDITIONAL KISMET MATERIAL

This material was prepared after the first book (Kismet) was written. The concepts in its structure that are explained here are equally valid for all the protagonists’ lifetimes across the three books.


  • Fey’s lost her mother by an oppressive authority which was followed by a subsequent lifetime as Kevan. He (ex Fey) was then exposed to Áine’s parents’ loss also through abuse by the English soldiers.
    • Fey went from a passive, relatively quiet life to one of violence as Kevan. This was an opposite type of life experience to balance karmic energies.
    • Options offered in the second life were to balance the experience either through revenge, or learn and grow by choosing love rather than hate. Kevan has to pass through being revengeful before realising its futility.
  • After the killing of Fey and Adam’s suicide, to then be challenged by not repeating these events in the tavern bombing.
  • Similar paths where both younger girls lose their parents and are orphaned.
  • Adam looking after Fey then Kevan (Fey) looking after Áine (Adam).
  • The rune ring running through the lineage of April, Fey and then Áine.
  • Both lifetimes involved in esoteric rituals.
  • Forgiveness queries by Áine & Kevan emanating from the Fey / Adam forgivee / forgivor exercise.
  • Both couples having similar questions about life.
  • Both couples challenging conventional values of life.
  • Kevan noting similarities in their respective lives:
    • Both women lost their mothers tragically at a young age
    • Both were adopted and loved the son of the adopted family
    • Both owned the Rune ring
    • Both pursued pagan beliefs and practicesf


The experiences in the first incarnation are reversed in the second.

This endeavours to balance the events of the first incarnation in the second lifetime.

ACTIVITY                                                                                           HOW                              WHO

ADAM kills Fey  (poison)                                                               Murder                            Adam
FEY knowingly accepts chalice                                                    Suicide                                 Fey
ADAM drinks elixir                                                                        Suicide                             Adam

Near parallel experience. If they died again in the 1700s, this would have been:

KEVAN kills Áine  (explosion)                                                      Murder                                Fey
ÁINE knowingly enters tavern                                                    Suicide                             Adam
If the collapsing building killed KEVAN                                     Suicide                                 Fey

The murder and suicide roles would have been reversed and many karmic experiences do this. However murder and suicide are not entered into in life contracts so our couple here in the 1700s were fortunate to have been able to learn the lessons without repeating the experience.


Prior to incarnating we contract to undergo our major experiences. These include who our family and close friends will be, what work we will do, who we may marry, what children we have and other key life events. Along this path we then have experiences designed to balance previous ones in other incarnations as a karmic balancing. There are learning opportunities, some new and others representing another chance at navigating along a different path to what we have done in some previous incarnation.

The structure guiding us along this semi pre-ordained path is all energy and probability based. With our double helix strand of DNA code are ten magnetic strands storing additional information – see Encoded is information such as key lifetime events, our akash or records of all our past lifetimes, our physical abilities in this lifetime and other fundamental information. Aspects of our lives are therefore pre-programmed. Events are created which then impel us along a particular path. However it is not irrevocable and therefore represents the miracle of our creation whereby we have been blessed with the gift of freewill. At any moment therefore, anything can happen according to our choice. But the forces directing us along a particular path at a given moment are compelling and the probability that we will acquiesce to those pressures is extremely high. Exercising that freedom of choice is therefore a major step to break the momentum heading us in a particular direction. Of course the subtleties or influences are subliminal. To an extent, understanding the seepage of directing thoughts from our subconscious is the first step of understanding. How we may make decisions based on influences we are not consciously aware of is an acknowledgement and recognition that our acts are often the product of unseen forces.

Learning affords us the ability to elevate our level of awareness and we become progressively free of these hidden influences. When we make decisions they can then become increasingly free-willed based and uncontaminated. Learning can be by reading this and other related matter. The largest other form of learning complementing the written word is experience. To learn, shift and not repeat a scenario. Repetition of a situation is Spirit merely giving you (yet) another opportunity to exercise free will and grow. Invariably the best choice is to take the more difficult or unpleasant option. However it is human nature to resist disagreeable things so we generally choose the less or least onerous alternative. But we then waive the growth opportunity and may well be confronted with it again and again with escalating pressure each time until we finally succumb to the demands of choosing that more difficult but ultimately better route.

These life, death and re-birth cycles vary according to one’s beliefs and religion, and go from one lifetime to many to infinite. Christianity says we have only one attempt at life which is only followed by eternal heaven or hell depending on whether the life one led is worthy of the one or the other option. Hinduism and Buddhism subscribe to multiple lifetimes until one ultimately attains enlightenment and breaks free of the reincarnation cycle. These religions offer hope of a reprieve subject to finally pursuing a positive lifestyle and reaping the reward in some world hereafter.  Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God series) describes a no such hope alternative. In his last book At Home With God in a Life That Never Ends. Walsch describes an extreme paradigm shift from traditional thinking and the propositions of most religions. Key points include:

  • Time is an illusion.
  • Therefore there is no beginning or end of time.
  • God must then be eternal.
  • Our life cycles are not sequential but instantaneous and in parallel.
  • Not only do past events karmically affect future lives, but any incarnation affects previous lifetimes as well.
  • We repeat each incarnation as well. How many times have you already read this? Shades of Groundhog Day!

While many teachings confirm this concept of time being an illusion from a level higher than we are aware of (e.g. Walsch, Seth, Kryon), getting to grips with and truly understanding this concept is impossible. We are totally programmed to believe in the illusion of time being linear. Adamic man is intellectually too limited to conceive of how existence including how time actually works. This limitation means we can only receive inputs in relatively small amounts, which then gives us the sequential experience of time.

Why has this form of existence been created? Is it an experiment? Are we the product of a structure as described in the Matrix film series? Whether it is an experiment, entertainment for some higher entity or entities, or some other reasons unbeknown to us, our free will elements obviously makes it interesting for those observing us to see what we do. And there seems to be a reward and punishment element when we make choices, which are based on love, truth and the more ethical elements of life. Needless to say the circumstances in which we are presented with these challenges seldom lend themselves to easy decisions.

The big question is why are our other past, present and future life experiences hidden? Without access to them, we virtually commence afresh each time with perhaps subliminal seepage from our akashic records to help us. This problem is reviewed and debated in Maya Part II. Like the humorous Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the answer to the most ultimate question of life is 42. But what is the ultimate question?

With many conventional teachings one may learn something personal which may then be synthesised into one’s consciousness. The information presented here is more esoteric. How does one integrate knowledge of how time really works into one’s life? Is the information valid, especially as it so dramatically different to anything anyone has ever propounded before? An increasing amount of New Age information is being channelled onto the planet. Three completely different sources were cited, unconnected and delivered years apart, which all say the same thing. These are not merely human theories but sources with access to higher knowledge. Take it or leave it. If this information sits well then believe it. If not, simply ignore it. It makes no difference. This is a thought provoking theory that may or may not be true. Of course I believe it to be true which is why I have bothered to share these theories of time and destiny.

The cynical tail end to these thoughts is does any of this make any difference? Is there a chance of really escaping destiny? Or breaking with the cycle of unlimited re-births. If lifetimes simply keep repeating themselves ad infinitum, the traditional rewards and punishment we have been taught are invalid. So what is life really all about? Are we being viewed to see where this paradigm, this experiment will lead? If you really know please tell me. But please do not share just another theory or possibility. Only if you know what is it actually all about.

With this new perspective of time, what potential impact could it have on Fey and Adam and their subsequent incarnations? Here are some possibilities:

  1. If we merely repeat lifetimes with no access to previous incarnations, how can we ever incorporate prior experiences to pursue a more optimal path in the current one? If we repeat the same life as well as future ones, will Fey and Adam die every time? Could they follow some arbitrary alternate path merely through a random exercising of free will? Or through subtle influences accumulated while repeating multiple lifetimes will they eventually break the cycle by learning some vital lessons?
  2. If we do not repeat the same lifetime over and over (again à la Ground Hog Day) and Áine and Kevan were unable to tap into their stored, hidden memories as Fey and Adam, what happens? In the first draft of this story Áine and Kevan ended up dying in the same way as they did in the previous incarnation. Were they meant to? No! In the Halls of Karma before reincarnation they were told some of the basics such as the gender change in the next lifetime. Suicide in particular is never an option or choice when planning one’s experiential contract. Ultimately free will did prevail and they departed from those main events to end up not dying prematurely again in the tavern explosion. Therefore they did exercise free will thereby departing from death to a path of continuing to live on.
  3. From point 1, Fey and Adam could have repeated incarnations of the same life then eventually break the suicide / murder cycle that ended their lives. Then what do Áine and Kevan need to accomplish in their incarnation? How does this 1700s survival event filter through (backwards) to Fey and Adam as the teachings say they do?
  4. Does this mean no future incarnation together would be required by Fey as Kevan and Adam as Áine? Would there be some ultimate completion of all their lifetime learning experiences together? Do we all pursue multiple incarnations aspiring to lives of love and truth thereby proving that finally those positive experiences (love and truth) are what we really intrinsically want and will therefore eventually gravitates towards?

Breaking news: The above comments represents an old paradigm that we are slowly shifting away from. But the old guard is resisting change and endeavoring to retain the old ways. This resistance is causing conflict around the world but in time, the positive changes will become established. Included in the new order is a change to our Contracts. These are becoming open with us writing in them what kind of lives we wish to have. This information comes from Kryon and has been woven into Maya, Book III of the trilogy where many of the questions posed in the first two books are finally answered to the limit of current knowledge.

12. KARMA versus FREE WILL

Karma is the balancing of experiences from past and present lifetimes. If the objective of life is just experience, then this mechanism ensures that we undergo opposite experiences to be more rounded and understand the duality of our existence of opposites.

During a lifetime we have freedom of choice. The product of the choices we make lead us through a life of experiences which are a result of such free will decisions. For example, if we choose to be stingy, in a subsequent period (same or different life), we will endure stinginess being meted out to us. If we are generous, we will then enjoy people being generous to us. This is the paradigm of opposites in which we live.

Prior to incarnating into a lifetime, we assess our accumulated experiences and plan the key events in the forthcoming lifetime experience. Major aspects include:

  • Who our parents are.
  • Who our lifetime partner(s) is (are.)
  • Where we will live.
  • Who our children will be.
  • What is to be our major vocation/s.
  • Other attributes including physical, financial, relationships, etc.

This sets a stage on which we then live, what the backdrops are during the different phases of our lives, who the other actors on stage are. But we have a limited script so karma is constantly influencing our experiences. We ad lib our way through the scenes and in making (free will) decisions, we are ultimately hold ourselves responsible for all of them. Accountability for these decisions can be immediate (boomerang) or later and even in subsequent lives. Therefore whatever we decide to do comes back to us as a counter experience for us to become more balanced.


One thread running through many of these lifetimes is the challenging of the religious authority. This is not to undermine the positive influence that all religions have on the fabric of societies since they are the moral basis for which ethics, mores and norms are based. People need to question moral dictates to understand them better and at times challenge their validity and how appropriate they may still be in societies that are evolving. Kryon’s contention is that religions remain the cornerstone of civilization and therefore need to continue. However our fast changing values in the Internet age demands that they assess their often archaic stances to accommodate these new ways of thinking. Religions need to reflect an acceptable set of tenets which have been upgraded without compromising their basic principles. Kryon adds that irrespective when these changes are implemented, religions will survive. But the speed of modernisation will determine the extent of current attrition which has been reducing the numbers of active members in many religions.

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14. READERS’ REVIEWS OF KISMET  (Amazon posts and editorial by US Review of Books)

Rev. Dr. Daniel C. Price. 5.0 out of 5 stars.  November 10, 2014
Spiritual psychologist, spiritual minister, author of Priceless Reflections & Joy of Christmas.
Kismet will grab your attention, weave you through the power of love lost and gained, the intertwining of multiple lifetimes, the worst of deeds cloaked in the best of intentions, and not let you go. Reading this extremely insightful book will educate you in how to grow into your highest self and realize your destiny. I could not put it down. Five stars!


Daniella Renzon, feelance journalist: 5.0 out of 5 stars,  October 10, 2014
Riveting Until The Last Page

This gripping and enlightening read is set against the backdrop of Ireland nine centuries ago. The story begins when Fey sees her mother burnt at the stake. As she grows up her search for the truth leads her to face the very same dangers that killed her mother. Five centuries later Aine and Kevan devote their focus to fighting English rule placing their lives at risk. These two stories are expertly woven together to tell an exciting and pacey story of impossible, fate-defying love, deadly defiance and rebellion – making Kismet a wonderful gift that should be placed on your bed side table as you won’t want to put it down. I also found the website brought a fascinating ‘spiritual’ interpretation to the text.
Aimee Rosa  5.0 out of 5 stars, December 24, 2014
Kismet is an epic love saga that crosses lifetimes and centuries
A consuming and fascinating read. Kismet is an epic love saga that crosses
lifetimes and centuries. A story that appeals not only to the mind but heart
and spirit too. Mindfully and extensively researched – Kismet takes you on a
a wonderfully thought provoking journey through different historical periods
in Ireland both intertwined by love.
A brilliant novel with interesting insights. Cannot wait for the next one in
the trilogy.

Joy Truscott, 5.0 out of 5 stars October 1, 2014.
Author of A Journey to Remember: Recapturing the Unique Codes of our Magnificence.

 Kismet is a powerful story weaving a couple’s two separate lifetimes into a tremendous ending. There is a great deal about the times and ways of the people of those times and this was intricately described by the author. The impact of the reality of those times stirred deep emotions in me. The pain and fear that our ancestors experienced somehow seems to still resonate in our lives and this book opened an awareness of the connections between incarnations, karma and life imprints. It is valuable as an allegory to enable people obtain a better understanding of these concepts considering how much interest there is today in this genre.


Marion Pfeiffer editor.  5.0 out of 5 stars. October 10, 2014
Excellent read

I like this book. This book would appeal to many historians or theologians interested in Ireland and religious conflicts of the time with the added appeal of a humanitarian drama unfolding around the characters in the story. The culture and practices of the time are brought to life through the story which unfolds around the families, particularly through the reincarnation of the couple five centuries later. A gentle tale which takes the reader back to the things that are most important in life.


Kim Ettlinger 5.0 out of 5 stars, October 21, 2014
The two protagonists Fey and Adam are deeply in love enduring many challenges in their relationship,

Definitely one of the most thought provoking books I have read. Set in the 12th and 17thwww.. Centuries, the two protagonists Fey and Adam are deeply in love enduring many challenges in their relationship. Their lives are hard and Church repression forces them to question their fundamental beliefs, which eventually ends in tragedy. The couple are then reincarnated in the 17th Century where key life events are karmically dependent on their previous life experience together.
The author’s research weaves into the story questions about life that are equally relevant today in a most profound way. This causes the reader to look deeper into the dynamics of relationships and questioning the very foundation of our belief systems.
I highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in more than the usual lip service attention to the deeper mysteries of life and of oneself. The author has added even more depth to the story on a chapter by chapter basis in the book’s web site
14. Reviews by US Review of Books:

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All three books were awarded a RECOMMENDED status by US Review – granted to only 15% of submissions.


I. Condor’s Eye reviewed by Anita Lock:

“There are many things about our universe that we are either not meant to understand or are not sufficiently intelligent to comprehend.”

In the beginning saga to a one-of-a-kind trilogy, Condor’s Eye takes readers back to where it all begins for upcoming lovers on their karmic journeys. Known as Fey and Adam (from the second novel, Kismet,) book one opens with a Native American battle scene before delving into Adam’s initial incarnated stage as “Condor’s Eye.” This is quickly followed by Fey as Anouar (pronounce An-war) in ancient Egypt. Both Condor’s Eye and Anouar are on intense soul-searching missions in their respective dimensions. Although 500 years apart, the Condor Eye’s and Anouar’s eras harbour the same opposing human aspects (love of life and the natural vs. greed, jealousy, and wars). Amid their trials and triumphs, Condor’s Eye and Anouar develop spiritual acuity, especially through their deep love relationships (i.e. Condor Eye’s-Laughing Wind and Anouar-Marc Anthony) in preparation for their next incarnations.

Sarkin takes storytelling to a whole new level in these allegorical novels depicting the author’s perspective of life. Keeping to the writing style from Kismet, Sarkin presents the soon-to-be lover’s life adventures in parallel narratives. Alternating between his two main characters from beginning to end, Sarkin’s plot is so much more than a romantic novel. While punctuated with sexual moments especially in the case of Anouar, Sarkin consistently includes poetic, historical, and spiritual musings. There is plenty for readers to ruminate on long after the story’s completion, and each element sets aptly within riveting narratives. For those interested in further research and spiritual exploration, Sarkin offers more food for thought on his website*. Meeting a wide audience, this book is a great read for reincarnation aficionados and those who are interested in learning about reincarnation, as well as those who are just plain looking for an invigorating story twist. [RECOMMENDED]


II. KISMET reviewed by Anita Lock:

“Few people have the learning opportunity to understand the mechanism of life and how in the physical world, one creates realities and therefore could change them.”

Steeped within Irish history, Kismet tells the tales of two lovers whose destinies unfold during two different time periods and through their incarnation as different people. It is the mid-1200s and an era of religious persecution. Young Fey is taken under the care of her close friend and soon-to-be lover Adam and his parents after the Catholic Abbot has Fey’s mother killed for witchcraft. Although the young lover’s relationship vacillates when Adam, who receives Catholic religious training, learns that Fey follows in the footsteps of her mother’s pagan beliefs, their real test of love comes when the Abbot devises a sinister plot for Fey’s demise. Amid Fey and Adam’s story, another narrative, set five hundred years later, tells of Kevan and Áine—the reincarnated Fey and Adam—and their serendipitous educational pursuits amid British domination. Sarkin’s atypical historical romantic novel covers themes about the philosophical and religious meaning of life.

Sarkin’s unique 2-in-1 novel offers readers the experience to read about two lovers in a refreshing way. The stories not only alternate chapter-to-chapter from Fey and Adam in the 1200s and Kevan and Áine in the 1700s, they are also juxtaposed split narratives. Although the lovers’ experiences differ, there are recurring thematic philosophical and religious questions—much that appear verbatim—that address the concepts of reincarnation and karma. While each chapter is laced with various food-for-thought quotes, Sarkin has also created a website to enhance the literary journey by offering readers the opportunity to explore the deeper meanings of life through reflection on the horrors of human history and the spiritual implications of “a second chance” via rebirth. Closing with references and a suggested reading list, Kismet is the first in a trilogy that is a definite read for those who desire much more than a simple love story [RECOMMENDED].

III. Maya reviewed by Michelle Jacobs:

“In the time and constraints of any one lifetime, we have only limited opportunity to explore the diverse array of cultures, geographical regions, religions, and relationships on Earth.”

The final volume of a trilogy, this book continues to explore the insatiability of karma through the reincarnated lives of the lovers introduced and developed in the first two books. In the first part of this installment, the karmic threads of Condor’s Eye and Laughing Wind are entwined over many lifetimes and many different experiences. Rich in historical detail, the various incarnations range in time from ancient history to futuristic imaginings with settings as diverse as Palestine, South Africa, and interstellar space.

The second part of the book is a fitting departure from traditional storytelling as deep philosophies are explored through a discussion and debate format led by the present-day incarnations of the protagonists. In the spirit of Plato’s Dialogues or Socratic seminars, questions about the soul, the nature of reality, experience, and purpose are all discussed and include bold insights about life’s greatest mysteries. Sarkin embeds wisdom and philosophy into the reincarnated lives of the characters, oftentimes directly pointing out the reasons for a particular incarnation of form or experience. Always at the foundation of an incarnation is the demand for karmic balancing, hence the variety of people and experiences the author imagines for this ambitious epic that challenges ideas about identity and the soul.

Sarkin’s didactic style of writing leaves little room for interpretation as each incarnation is explained and the karmic connections revealed through direct exposition. This technique is comforting as the author becomes a trusted guide like Dante’s Virgil through the complex chain of reincarnation, explaining and teaching along the way. Sarkin joins a lauded throng of writers who have used storytelling as a means to impart religious and philosophical wisdom. This ancient practice is alive and well in the 21st century with the author’s inventive book. [RECOMMENDED]

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15. Akashic Records, Cave of Creation & Lords of Karma

All the concepts mentioned in the trilogy have some source or substance to them even if they seem bizarre or pure science fiction. Some important ones that are repeated quite frequently are the Cave of Creation, the Lords of Karma and Akashic records (of previous lifetimes.) These are selected sources for further reference:

Cave of Creation  explained by Kryon

“Many times I have reviewed a concept with you that I again present. Deep within the earth, there is an interdimensional cavern that will never be found. It has 3D properties that connect it with Earth reality, but it is also multidimensional. … It, therefore, is the depository of the record of humanity – all of the lives that humanity have live … So the Cave of Creation becomes the Gaia (Earth) record of who is here and who has been here. … The lifetimes you live modify the energy of the cave and, therefore, Gaia.”

The Akash Within your DNA – Kryon

“Everything that is represented in the crystalline of the Cave of Creation regarding your core soul crystal is transferred to your DNA at birth. You transfer it in the Cave of Creation. That’s why you go there (just before being born.) It becomes your personal Akashic Record, every lifetime you’ve been, everything you’ve ever done is all in your DNA. As we have mentioned before, this Akashic Record resides in every double helix in a multidimensional way, and is represented by the billions of chemicals in the 90% of DNA that science sees as junk! Science is looking at it with 3D eyes and it seems vastly complex with no symmetry or order. It is, indeed, multidimensional to the max!”

Lords of Karma  – two separate explanations:


Welcome to healing with the Lords of Karma – masters from the higher dimensions who preside over our karmic balance in all matters related to our Earth incarnations. They are gentle and loving masters who present as both male and female to us on Earth. …. During the healing many masters will attend to help you let go of as many layers as possible of the karmic imbalances that you have accrued in this and other lifetimes.


The Karmic Board dispenses justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy and judgement on behalf of every lifestream. All lifestreams pass before the Karmic Board before each incarnation on earth to receive their assignment and karmic allotment for that lifetime. They pass before the Karmic Board again at the conclusion of each lifetime to review their performance.




a). Truscott’s cover painting showing:

  • Condor’s Eye standing at the Sacred Waterfall
  • Looking down across the River Valley Clan’s territory.
  • He is garbed in his bearskin robe
  • A condor soaring above symbolically

b). Condor’s Eye painting by Oliveira Elcklynger of Abadiãnia, Brazil.

L-Wind Anouar Col

A symbolic rendition of the interlinks between the two lifetimes:

  • Laughing Wind (Indian) and Anouar (Egyptian)
  • Condor’s Eye seated within a tepee overlayed by a pyramid.
  • Condor’s Eye melding with a condor’s eye
  • Right Eye of Horus on the condor
  • Other Indian and Egyptian symbols

The meaning of these symbols become apparent as the story is read.


Galloway’s cover painting inspired by an orphan yearning for the love of her departed mother. A true depiction of Fey yearning for the love of her mother April:


The gentle spirit of Love
descends from the sky
In moments that we
are waiting for something


Personal message channelled from Lord Azti:

We place a beautiful white lotus all about you,
as you sit in the center with the pollen.
A lotus of light.
To know you are held by the invisible arms of white light,
each petal reflecting the light of self.
That you are held in the palm of love,
the food of your soul, the nectar of your being.

6 thoughts on “

    1. Ronnie Sarkin Post author

      Hi Deloise, More interesting info to be posted soon with another in-depth background to me new book Minus Fifty Below. I hope the material will be posted in May but latest June. Thanks, Ronnie


  1. Audie Matkowsky

    Howdy! This article couldn’t be written much better! Going through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He always kept talking about this. I’ll send this information to him. Pretty sure he’s going to have a very good read. Many thanks for sharing!



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